Chapter 1: Civilian

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Lydia Martin rolled on to her stomach, her strawberry curls ruffling over her shoulders. Her bed was particularly comfortable this Saturday morning and she hadn't gotten up, at all. She held on to her book, having decided she'd start and finish it that weekend. Lydia stretched her feet, plopping them down on to her pillow. Quickly becoming aware that she had flipped and her head was now at the end of her bed. Not to mention she just put her feet on her pillow and gross. She sat up, cross-legged.

"Alright," She practically wheezed while attempting to get out of her soft nest. She just ended up falling backwards on to her pillow, having previously bookmarked her novel and thrown it at the general direction of her desk.

She let out an exaggerated sigh and reached for her phone, which just so happened to be a few inches from her face.

Her irregularly large phone was soon placed against her ear and she tried to get into a sitting position.

"The one and only Teenage, Supernatural Detective, how may I help you?" Stiles mused over the phone.

Lydia let out a chuckle, "I'm surprised you've been able to keep everyone's secret this long."

He smirked at the phone, "Yeah, yeah. You're hilarious, Lydia."

She could hear him shuffling around, "What're you up to?"

"Trying to find some pants," Stiles said nonchalantly before getting quite self-conscious, "What. No. Nope. What?"

Lydia practically giggled at his behavior, "Well at least one of us is out of bed."

"Who ever said I was out of bed?"

Lydia spoke, "Well, you are demonstrating a whole new level of skill, my friend."

"Why thank you for noticing," Stiles found a pair of lightly worn jeans on the floor toward the end of his bed. He threw them up on to the plush surface and continued to lounge on his stomach, facing the wrong way.

"Anytime," Lydia forgot why she initially called the brown-eyed boy wonder, in the first place.

He ran a hand through his surprisingly long hair. After the Nogitsune incident, he had started neglecting his appearance.

There was a pause while they both checked their hair. Neither knowing just how similar their mornings usually were.

"Lydia, what're you up to?" Stiles decided to ask her while finally getting up and pulling on a simple grey t-shirt and the jeans.

She groaned and practically fell out of bed, "Regretting every decision to move."

"That sounds pleasant," He said, walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Lydia's features allowed a soft smile to play on her lips, "Well, I was reading quite happily. But then I got a burst of determination and while trying to get off my ass, I quickly forgot all that so-called determination and fell back into bed."

Stiles quickly spit and ran the water, "It's Saturday, you have every right to stay in bed."

Lydia went to brush her teeth as well, "Uh, no. Not when I've got a huge smoothie craving."

He heard her finish brushing as he slipped on his socks, "Did I just hear smoothie? What, you were going to go get some of that heaven without me? Lydia Martin, you have failed me. Disappointed me. No, you've squashed me."

She tried not to laugh while slipping on a simple black skater dress, "Oh shut up. Why do you think I brought it up?"

"To brag?"

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