Chapter 7: Realism

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Lydia Martin believed herself to be independent, free and very intelligent. Lydia Martin never needed anyone else and no one could get her to admit otherwise. Lydia has never had a healthy relationship, even a good friendship. Not until Allison Argent entered and exited her life ever so briefly. Now, on the last day of junior year, Lydia was feeling her absence more than ever. She needed her best friend and she needed her to always be there. Lydia Martin had began to lean on someone else in Allison's absence and Lydia Martin was scared shitless of what it was doing to her. Yes, she could talk and joke and discover with the rest of the pack, that was the easy part. But when it came to understanding her and knowing just how to make her feel better, a certain doe-eyed boy could lift her spirits higher than even her mother could.

Stiles was slowly becoming Lydia Martins anchor to the here and now.

He had come and stayed by her side from the moment of Allison's death and she was just figuring it out. She was leaning so much on him, he was practically carrying her.

"Hey man," Lydia heard Scott speak to his best friend as she walked up behind Stiles, "Did you ever talk to that Malia girl again?"

Lydia stopped in her tracks, hoping to god that Scott didn't notice her presence.

"Malia? The girl from Echo House?" Stiles looked at Scott, closing his locker.

"Yeah, that one. You know, the one you had sex with!" Scott was shamelessly patting Stiles on the back. Extremely proud of his friends recent loss of virginity.

Stiles replied, "Could you keep it down!?"


Stiles sighed and they started walking away from Lydia, so she trailed, "No, I have not talked to her. Have you? She was supposed to find you?"

"I think I overheard Derek saying that he ran across her first and started helping her."

"But, y-you're the alpha."

Scott scuffed, "So? He's more experienced."

"Whatever," Stiles pulled at his backpacks straps like a child.

Lydia was starting to feel extremely out-of-place and decided to run up between her two oldest friends, "Hey!"

The boys were pushed apart, both putting on a smile for their companion. If Allison had been there, it could have felt like the old gang.

"Hey, did you hear that we have a pop quiz in Couch's class?" Scott mused, trying to stop feeling like a third wheel.

Lydia tilted her head towards him, "Nope."

"How'd you know?" Stiles questioned. He subconsciously putting his hand on the small of Lydia's back, guiding her through the maze of teenagers.

"When has he ever been discreet?"

The pair laughed at their friend as he went down a different hallway.

"So? Quiz on the last day of school. How could this day get any worse?" Stiles joked.

Lydia glanced up at him, feeling the heat of his hand on her back, "I would think of a few ways."

"I don't even want to know. Could get jinxed and all that."

"Fair enough."

A few hours later Lydia was sitting at the pack's usual lunch table. She had decided to skip eating and was just waiting for the others to join her. Lydia's mind kept circling back around to the conversation she eavesdropped on that morning. She couldn't pinpoint why it was occupying her thoughts so much or why she even cared so damn much. She knew he was a boy, and boys needed to feel like men. So obviously, their conversations would turn toward that but she had never envisioned Stiles being a virgin. He was just too damn pretty; what girl wouldn't jump at the opportunity?

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