Chapter 17

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My screams rip me from the clutches of sleep, my throat aching and my heart pounding high within my throat. I look around the room quickly, I'm back in the bedroom I had been in my first night in the house, and once again pain and grief is the only emotions I know. Maybe it was just a dream, maybe he was fine and my mind had finally caught up with the horrors I had witnessed in the last few months. I tell myself this over and over as I slowly make my way back downstairs to where I can hear people, allot of people. I can barely believe my eyes as I step off of the last step and into the crowd. Almost the entire Blackwater pack turns to stare at me, eyes alert and wary as they survey me slowly. Asher is the first to step forward, strong warm arms wrap around me in a crushing hug as he pulls me into his burly chest. One by one the pack walks over to me, some hugging me briefly and cautiously, others following Asher and practically crushing my bones. My mind races, confusion dizzying as I try to make sense of what is happening to me. Why were they so compassionate towards me, I was the reason their camp had burned practically to the ground, I was the reason that one of their sisters was dead.

"Ronan came to us as soon as he could, and we came as fast as our vehicles could carry us. Ronan explained everything, the torture, the manipulation, the threats. We couldn't say no, we know something has to be done. For Keana, for Emmet and for the young Markus we are still to meet." Asher's voice carries emotion and determination across the crowd as his voice echoes through the large room. A murmur of agreeance echoes after he is silent once more and I am struck speechless by emotion, my throat constricting painfully as I try to speak.

"We are also here to help." A voice I had never heard before echoes through the room and the pack backs away from the door leading to the living room as Alexander and a tall, dark-haired and pale woman steps through the door. They are followed by close to twenty people, all lean and pale as they step into the space opposite of the Blackwater pack. 

"I am Samara, the eldest of our brothers and sisters and their standing leader. Alexander contacted me and relayed everything you had told him. We were horrified to learn of the things William has done to our brothers and sisters, we have decided to help you, even if it means fighting alongside our oldest rivals. We have decided that we have a common enemy, an enemy that we had allowed to rise from within our own ranks, and for that, we must make restitution." She bows her head as she approaches me and reaches for my hand. She does not look a day over thirty, her skin soft and supple as she takes my hand and bows slightly before me.

"You do not stand to blame for what William has become. He is smart and manipulative, he knew how to hide his monstrous behaviour from his respectable brothers and sisters." Months before I had blamed the vampires for allowing such a monster to rise amongst them. But now I realize they had no idea the things he had done behind closed doors, they had been none the wiser to the monster he had become. A murmur goes through the vampires, and as one they all bow their heads towards me and I stand mystified, no idea how to respond to the formal reactions of the group.

"I can't believe you all came. I could never have imagined that so many people would come to the aid of someone like me. Someone who knows nothing of your world or your customs. Someone who just wants her life to go back to normal." I can feel the tears burning behind my eyes as Morgana, Ronan and Annabella step forward to join me at the bottom of the stairs. 

Annabella quietly informs me that the witches had refused to get involved, they had decided that their sisters had caused their own enslavement within William's compound. They would not risk more lives to save another errant woman. A murmur rushes through the crowd as Annabella's words bounce off the walls, the two groups standing in disbelief. The witches had made their decision and we had made ours.

"I really do not know much of the customs and the histories of my people, both of your groups have lead to my birth and my life, yet I know very little. What I do know is that you have set aside your differences in order to come to my aid when I have needed it the most, and for that, I will forever be grateful." I slowly lower myself into a bow before the two groups who have slowly started to entwine into one. Ronan throws his arms around me in a crushing hug, another smaller set of arms wrap around my waist as Morgana presses closer to me. I had missed the younger girl, she had become not only a close friend over the last few days, but she had also become a confidant for my darkest fears, she understood what was at risk if we failed.

"I'm glad you're awake." She whispers up at me, fear shining in her eyes alongside sadness that has always been present in their luminated depths. Annabella steers Morgana and I out of the crowd and into the empty kitchen, the din of voices seem to vibrate through the house as the two opposing groups seem to begin to get to know each other.

"I cannot believe they all came to our aid." I grin at Annabella and Morgana as I lean against the countertop. Maybe our plan would actually work, maybe I could save the others like I have failed to save Emmett. At the thought pain, spears through my chest and I sink onto the floor slowly, the others rushing to my side in fear.

"" I must have been projecting my thoughts again because Annabella sinks down beside me, sorrow rolling off her like angered waves. "You cannot tell Ronan yet, he has lost too much already, it would strike him dead where he stands." Her voice is urgent as she makes me promise, as she makes calm myself once more and bury my thoughts beneath new thoughts, thoughts of our plan. 

"How long have I been asleep?" I arch my eyebrow as I consider how long it would have taken the two groups to convene at the mansion. 

"We had no idea what happened to you, why you wouldn't wake when we tried to wake you. It was three days ago that you and Morgana appeared at our door. You slept peacefully, your mind was silent, it was strange but we thought it best to let you rest. You will need your strength now that you're awake." Annabella just shrugs, as if sleeping for three days is completely normal in any situation.

"Three days?" The outrage is evident in my voice and I recoil at my own anger. "We need to make a plan, and see what Samara and Asher have to say about this whole situation." I shove my confusion aside, my anger would not override my plan to save the others.

For hours we plan, Morgana draws maps and the best strategists between the two groups work together to form a plan, a plan that seems watertight, even to our greatest sceptics. By the time dusk falls outside the mansion the groups have both fed, the vampires on blood packs that had been taken from who knows where and the wolves on wild animals they found in the woods. Shortly before nightfall, we pile into an SUV similar to the one we left William's compound in, both Ronan and Annabella with us. It is just before midnight when we reach the outskirts of the compound and the preliminary stages of the plan fall into place. The groups split into the night, wolves transforming and ancients flitting through the trees. My heart hurts as Morgana and I bind and gag Annabella and Ronan in the back of the SUV, hopefully, I would not have to grieve them too after tonight. Slowly we drive up to the gate, thought of the others pushed to the backs of our minds, far away from the prying thoughts of the other telepaths in the compound. The gates slowly roll open, guards warily surveying us through the tinted windows of the SUV. Within moments of the gate closing behind us, we are lit up by spotlights from every guard tower within three hundred metres. Perfect.

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