Chapter 1

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 It is an eerie feeling knowing that everything you owned and loved fit into two small suitcases. People really don't know how lucky they are spending more than one year in one town, even one province. Here we were again, on the road from a town I was just starting to enjoy towards another completely strange place with no one I knew and no one who cared. Just me and my sister, on the run from my realities and towards the job that she was married to. Officer Nightclaw, my sister loved her job in the police force and neither of us minded moving around like this. Honestly I had not known anything different since my parents had left us behind in this world. Our parents died in a horrendous house fire when I was five and Harlow was eighteen. Ever since she could Harlow took care of me; she homeschooled me, made sure I knew and saw everything she could get me to. I didn't mind being homeschooled as a kid, I didn't really like people all that much, but as I became older I craved human contact almost as if something was missing inside me, like there was a hole in my soul. Now that I'm twenty and Harlow is thirty three, we have less and less in common and I spend most of my time trying to meet people in the backwards little towns she drags me to. Harlow seemed to love being alone, she shone when she knew she would have the house to herself, or if I decided to go on a short trip without her. Yet no matter what, I always find my way back to her, I could not imagine leaving her behind. The sound of Harlow carefully clicking the archaic radio off and the sudden silence that fills the car, other than the engine coughing sickly, slowly brings me out of my thoughts and back to the impending reality that was waiting for me.

"Hey, daydreamer did you hear anything I just said?" She smirks over at me from the driver's seat, her blue eyes shining in the sunlight coming in through the windows of the car. She was my complete opposite; with fair skin and shining blond hair, she stood five feet and six inches tall, she was muscular and could outrun anyone I had ever met. Myself on the other hand; I had hair the color of the midnight sky and green eyes that reminded me more of algae than emerald. I wasn't short by any means since I matched my sister in height, and she had made sure I had enough muscle to defend myself if I had to. She had put me through so many self-defence courses that I could easily disarm a full grown man with the flick of my wrist or choke someone out had they the bad luck to come near enough. "We finally made it to Narrow Falls." She grins and pulls the car to a stop in front of a large gothic style home that seems to loom over us like a dark cloud. I tried to come up with a positive remark but even my snarky remarks could not make light of the monstrosity that stands before me.

"Well? Did the Adams Family call it quits or did you chase them out with a flaming torch?" I smirk at her and she snorts loudly sliding out of the car in one swift movement. "It has its own unique charm. I guess." I add as I slowly slide out of the car and look around the overgrown and wild yard. Grass had grown almost up to my knees and weeds are poking through the cracked walkway to the front door. The house itself must have been a work of art when it was first built centuries ago. Now it showed signs of neglect and weather damage on every square inch of its exterior. Years of warm, humid summers and cold, wet winters have left the paint peeling from the window sills and door frames. The windows may almost have been more inviting had they been boarded up to prevent critters, and humans, from getting in. Every time we moved Harlow did this to me, she'd buy the most run down house in the town, maybe even the region, and make it her mission to restore it. She found such happiness in restoring these places to their original glory that I tried my best not to whine when we found rats or worse. It was her passion, and we all need a little passion in our lives. Grabbing the two suitcases from the back of the car I slowly follow her up the crumbling cement steps to the ornate wooden front door.

"To new beginnings, new challenges and new friends." She grins down at me and pushes the heavy wooden door open with a thunderous groan that almost seems to shake the house from the floorboards to the roof tiles. The scents of dust, mold and rotting wood flood my senses and I have to resist the urge to shrug my shirt over my nose before making it deeper into the house. An ornate wooden staircase, with what seems a hand carved railing leads to the upper floor while the lower level seems almost open concept with three sliding doors leading to the kitchen, living and dining rooms. "The three bedrooms are upstairs, as well as two bathrooms and a study. Down here is just a small powder room. Everything looks pretty much like the photos the realtor sent me and going by that this living room is going to need a serious amount of love." She slowly steps through the one sliding door and I follow her slowly my eyes slowly widening at the sight. Burn marks spread from the floor and up one wall, and if I squint real hard I can almost make out the shape of a human body burnt into the wallpaper. What the hell had she gotten us into this time?

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