Chapter 6

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Who knows how long I drifted through the dreamless darkness before a sudden thump on the mattress beside me makes my eyes fly open in alarm.

"Good morning princess. Time to come say hello to our host." Emmett smirks down at me, the blankets tickling the bottom of my nose as I slowly come back to consciousness. He pulls a clean shirt on slowly and I blink slowly, his hair is still damp and the thought of a hot shower made me giddy with excitement.

"Can I shower first?" I grin and sit up out of the bed, the smirk growing wider on his face usually stern face. He seemed so normal, standing at the foot of the bed, water dripping off of his hair and onto his shirt slowly.

"If you must, just don't take three years to get done, vampires are old but they're not known for their patience." Without another word he walks from the room, the door shutting quietly behind him, leaving me all alone in the cold room. It seems like it had been years since I had been allowed to be alone, free to do what I want, even if that was just to take a shower in peace. Twenty minutes later I walk into the large room, my hair still damp and my clothes smelling slightly of yesterday's tragedy, where the three men are seated around a circular table and Annabella is seemingly hiding out on one of the couches.

"I'm glad you have found the accommodations acceptable." Alexander slowly looks up from the papers in front of him. "Annabella has shown me the literature, Ronan has explained all the smaller details. I am sorry to hear about your sister, it must have been almost too hard to bear for a young soul as yourself." The last comment is most definitely directed to Ronan, who silently nods turning back to the newspaper that I know he has no interest in reading. With a frown he turns back towards me, watching me curiously like I was a biology project ready for dissection, his eyes dig into me like the talons of a hawk before he speaks again. "My daughter is a Trueborn and I am very curious to see exactly how you come into your powers and when. There is much we do not understand, especially when it comes to Trueborns and Corciturăs." He folds the papers in half slowly and glances at Annabella, who bristles noticeably at the mention of his daughter. She had much to work past if she was ever going to truly forgive him and move on with this new life she was stuck with.

"What I am isn't why we are here, it is not the problem but it definitely caused the problem. The issue is that presently I am being hunted by a delusional psychopath. He has this unnatural obsession with me, or more accurately the powers I am predicted to evolve once I come of age. I have no idea what this monster wants with me, whether he wants me dead or wants me as his own is still a mystery, he won't let anyone know his plans. What I do know though is that nothing will stop him. He will kill and he will torture, he is truly the evilest being I have ever laid my eyes upon." I stare back at him, challenging him inside his own home may not have been my smartest decision. Not one to back down without a fight, I keep my eyes trained on his waiting for someone to make a move, hopefully, to save me from my misplaced bravery.

"You are very abrupt, if not abrasive for someone who has never had an ounce of power to protect them from the monsters around her. You would make a very curious immortal, and that I know for a fact." He watches me, curiosity returning to his eyes to replace the insult and Emmett laughs loudly at his remark.

"You should have seen her punch me, she has a misplaces bravery that's for sure." He smirks at me, his remark a mockery of my weakness in a disguise of a compliment. He would never fail to remind me that he was the stronger one, but maybe soon that would change and I would show him how it felt.

"If she has the nerve to punch a wolf then I would say she most definitely is not faint of heart. This psychopath you speak of will be in for a surprise, I'm sure." The two men have seemingly come to an impasse, the one slinging weakly disguised insults while the other bats them down one after the other. I was starting to really like this Alexander guy, even though he reminded me of the Lords we read about in history books. Ronan had been ignoring both men completely, not once did he raise his eyes from the paper before him, he must really be sick of his brother's squabbling. Annabella had been watching them silently, but now her eyes stayed focused on Alexander as he returns to the papers he had been reading before I had so rudely interrupted his morning.

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