Michelangelo: runing away

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Song: already over.

"Hey cristal. Wannabe play games with me?" My crush asked me. "OFCORSE" I loved video games and he knew that. But I love him more.

You never go
Your always here (suffocating me)
Under my skin
I cannot run away
Fading slowly

We where outside and looking from rooftop around. When in sky's showed a white light like a door. From it came out a lady in blue and with some kind of stick? She started to fall and Mikey jumped to catch her.

Was I was jelous? Yes. Did he saved me like that? No. Was I goint to cry and run away? Totaly. Now? Now! I turned and run away not knowing to them.

I'd give it all to you
Letting go of me
Reaching as I fall
I know it's already over now
Nothing left to lose
Loving you again
I know it's already over, already over now

Year has pased as I last saw them. It was the day I run away. Since that day I didn't see them ever again.

Many thing had hapened. I found new friend's. We all get mutated but we can transform. I am neko cat. Jay Jay is wulf. Gabriēla is snake and Ashley is night fury.

We where runing around in our mutant forms. Nobody could tell who Gabis, Ashley or Jay Jay. But if someone saw me and know me he or she would know. I had only orange tail and ears.

"No way" I heard voice a wisper who I was hoping to not heard ever again. Mikey. I just did only one thing I run. Jay Jay saw me so I just shouted. "RUN!!!" She turned and shouted "ASHLEY!! GABRIĒL!! HER. NOW." And now we were all running.

Only me knowing that they folowed. Super.

My best defense, running from you
I can't resist, take all you want from me
Breaking slowly

Dead end, nothing to lose. I look at Ashley and she noded. I jumped. And she jumped too while transforming.

I'd give it all to you
Letting go of me
Reaching as I fall
I know it's already over now
Nothing left to lose
Loving you again
I know it's already over, already over now!

When we where on sky I looked and said "run and never look back" thay noded and run away.

You're all I'm reaching for
It's already over
All I'm reaching for!
It's already over now

"Why" was all what's Mikey winspered while looking how you where flying on Ashley away.

I'd give it all to you
I offer up my soul
It's already over, already over now!

Cristal flyed and Mikey runed. Only one thought in bouths minds. 'I love you'

Give it all to you
Letting go of me
Reaching as I fall
I know it's already over now
Nothing left to lose
Loving you again!
I know it's already over now!
It's already over now!
I know it's already over, already over

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