"joonie i'm scared, can you please enter with me?" she pleaded as she mustered her best puppy eyes up at him. Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows before looking back at the two males "uh why don't you ask taetae?"

Namjoon and Minsu looked up to see Taehyung waving his wand in a sassy manner "i am NOT trick or treating in that crusty house and risking ruining a fingernail, i'm not that crazy." Jimin gave him a hard look before shaking his head "why the hell am i friends with you again?"

"because you like my bestie na-" Jimin's hand quickly slapped taehyung's mouth to stop him from going any further. Taehyung gasped at the sudden action and stuck his tongue out as revenge, licking a stripe along the palm of Jimin's hand and making him instantly pull away in disgust.

"so joonie, will you go with me" she asked, her blonde curls bouncing as she hopped excitingly "i promise i'll share some of my candy"

"look minsu, i really don't thin-"

Taehyung pushed Jimin away from him, causing the poor male to trip over his shoe and land on his plush booty "for gods sake namjoon, just go with the poor child."

Namjoon glared at him before sighing "fine." Minsu shrieked and grabbed her almost full bag of candy and pulled on Namjoon's loose shirt so he could follow.

Taehyung was left standing at the entrance as he watched the two walk up to the creaky door, crossing his arms and smirking slightly. Jimin groaned as he lifted himself up, rubbing his hurt buttcheek as he stood aside his friend and sent him a hurt expression "you didn't save me before i fell"

"shut the fuck up and watch" he whispered, but instead of silence, Taehyung was met with a hard punch to the crotch.

"joonie i'm scared, can you go first" Minsu pleaded, tears already forming on the edges of her eyes to convince Namjoon into going before her. Namjoon was already done with her whines and didn't find her begging cute anymore. But since he was basically her hyung, he needed to be a good role model, that and also get over his dumb fear.

Taking in a deep sigh, he nodded his head and walked up to the wooden door, looking back at minsu standing a few feet away and smiling before turning back. He tried to tell himself that they were only decorations and that it would only last a few minutes to try to make himself less scared. It somehow works and he got the courage to lift his hand and lightly knock on the door.

It was a soft knock yet the sound that came out was loud and creepy. Chills began to make themselves appear on the back of his neck as he breathed heavily, awaiting for the door to open.

At last, footsteps were heard from the inside slowing inching closer to open the door, Namjoon turned and smiled at Minsu "see, there's nothing to be afraid of." he turned back and suddenly, the door opened revealing a horrific creature. Namjoon let out a scream.

"stop screaming or you'll wake up my grandma you damn diseased guava" Hoseok muttered, glaring at the frozen male, "why the fuck are you here and dressed like a damn gnome?"

Namjoon took a moment to take in that it was his prized enemy he was facing before reality finally hit him "i'm not a gnome i'm a dwarf and don't cuss in front of the fucking kid" Namjoon widened his eyes "AW NUTS I JUST CURSED!"

Hoseok rolled his eyes at his mental panic and instead continued his stare full of judgment and annoyance "you still didn't answer my question"

"im trick-or-treating with tae, jimin and his little sister" he motioned to the shadow behind him, Hoseok moved over to see where he was referring too and sent him a confused look "bitch there's no one there"

Namjoon spun his body and was faced with the laughs of children and loneliness of the entrance where his friends were supposed to be standing "aw fuck not again."

"i'm not giving you another ride" Hoseok said, smiling as Namjoon sent him a deadly glare, "i didn't fucking want a ride"

"we're also out of candy if that helps"

Namjoon sighed and debated what was the best way to get away with murdering your friend. This was the second time he was ditched and to make matters worse, it was on halloween and he was dressed like a stupid dwarf, "well i better go find them i guess"

"good, you were annoying me anyway"

"does everything i do annoy you or something?"

"nah only your existence"

Namjoon grunted angrily before stepping down the small porch, "at least i don't live in a monstrous house like you."

"i don't live here you fart, i'm helping my grandma with the candy you disfigured candle"

"if i'm a candle then i sure as hell give out some lit-ass fire" Namjoon smirked, running away in his floppy shoes as he escaped the house with his hat flailing about. Hoseok rolled his eyes and went back inside, shutting the door behind him.

As Namjoon slowed down once he made it out of the houses property, he spotted the three individuals at the end of the curb. He angrily stomped over.

"you guys ditched me" he huffed "and i bet you guys also knew that hoseok was going to be in their too huh?"

Jimin looked over at Namjoon and cocked his head "hoseok lived there? i had no idea." Taehyung also gave away the same confused look "yeah me neither and plus we didn't leave you, it's just that minsu got scared and ran away"

Minsu revealed herself from behind the male and pouted "im sorry joonie, i heard you yell and i was afraid so i left. are you mad at me?"

The tips of Namjoon's lips lifted faintly as he crouched down to her position "of course i'm not, how can anyone be mad at you"

With that said, they hugged and soon began to walk home as they talked about all the candy they would eat, even if they did lose all their teeth in the end. Taehyung and Jimin were a few feet behind, secretly discussing the past scene.

"i don't know why you have to use my sister and i in your dumb setups" Jimin muttered as he put away the given 20 dollar bill in his over-sized pocket. Taehyung grinned,

"well how else am i going to get some shipping action?"

- - - - - 


Or early/late halloween, depends on time zone

my treat for ya'll is a double update so appreciate that i wrote this instead of my doing my English homework and my trick was i added 2 song-references ;)

my treat for ya'll is a double update so appreciate that i wrote this instead of my doing my English homework and my trick was i added 2 song-references ;)

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