She can't really be dead... Can she?


I walk down the cold hallway trailing behind the lab worker. I run my hand through my rugged hair, I hasn't been brushed in a week, at least the lab people are not shaving it off. 

Room 99 is the room we stop at. the lab worker opens the door and gestures me in. I stay still not taking his command. He gives my a hard nudge on my back making me stumble forward but catching myself before I face plant into the tile. I turn to face the lab worker and give him the middle finger and silently whip around. "Now Eleven, please sit in this chair." His monotone voice gives me goose bumps. I look around the completely empty room. I don't want to speak. I twist my head around to face him and give him a confused look. "Make a chair with your mind." He speaks with his gross chapped lips. What is he talking about. "I don't know how." I speak quietly. "Focus on one spot in the room, and channel all your anger,fear,sadness into that one spot and think about the object you want to make."

I turn my head and focus on one spot of the wall. I put my hand out, but I don't concentrate, I don't do any thing, My mind goes blank. But I start to think to myself. I could just kill the lab guy and make run for it. Its worth a shot. I dart around quickly facing  the lab guy. I throw him back against the wall with my hand doing a pushing motion and snap his neck. 

He's dead.

The alarms go off. 

The last thing I see are a bunch of lab people burst through the door, then I black out....


*Sunday (The funeral)

I stair at the closed coffin. It's light blue, her favorite color. It's raining. We are in doors but the pitter pattering of the rain hitting the roof top are very loud. Nancy and Jonathan showed up. So did all my friends and their parents. Joyce is up right by her coffin giving a speech but I  don't listen. I take out a crumbled peace of paper from my back pocket, it has my speech on it. It has all these things written on it about how El and I fell in love and how long we have bean together,  but what will my parents think of it....  I shove the paper back in my pocket and try my best to hold back the tears that are about to fall from my eyes.

"And now we will be letting Michael Wheeler say his words about his best friend" Joyce says making eye contact with me smiling through the tears. I haven't been called Michael in a while. I nod. I stand up. I walk past Joyce who is walking the other direction back to her seat. I stair at Eleven's coffin as I walk up, closer and closer to it. Bright red roses stand next to both sides of the coffin. They are held up by a light blue vase that patches with the shade of her coffin. I wish I didn't have to do this. I wish El was here, It would just be another normal Sunday for us. Waking up in each other's arms eating eggo's with the most random toppings while watching some stupid show with Will and Conner. Or going out to eat for a Sunday brunch, just us two together. We would go to a random diner or something and have a awesome time there just talking and laughing together. But now I have to stand in front of her dead body and speak about those moments. 

I stand in front of her coffin. Scan the small crowd of people I have known for most of my life. "Hi." I say trying to smile but my lips wont curl and my eyes won't light up. I dig my hand in my back pocket looking for the speech, but it's not there. I frantically check my other pocket, Its not there too. 

shit. I must have left it on my seat.

"Uh s-sorry. So, Ever since I saw that heart tracker go flat, I can't get her off of my mind. All I can think of are those pretty brown eyes and her amazing smile that lights up a dark room. I really miss it. I remember the first time I saw her, soaking wet, cold, her hair was buzzed down to her scalp, she wore a over sized yellow shirt. She was terrified when I pointed my flash light on her. I took her back to my house, I got her warm and gave her new cloths. That was the first time I fell in love." 

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