"It was your mom, I have to be nice to her as her son-in-law" I could see his blushing face, "Why? Jealous?"

"You already know, why you ask?"

"I don't know. You never tell me" I teased him. He stopped and looked at me with annoying look.


He wanted to say something but he stopped. Suddenly he gave me a peak in my lips.

"Just stop spreading your charm!" he said again then he ran away. I stunned for awhile then ran after him. This handsome boy. Why you are so cute, Inn?


I was in library with Oh. We didn't have any classes to attend because our teachers had important meeting to do. He was asking me about what happened between me and Inn at the mall yesterday. So, he saw us? But glad, he didn't know what happened. If he saw, Inn would get tease from him. I didn't want him to annoy my handsome boyfriend.

Nam joined him to interogate me. She came from nowhere. I tried to escape from their interogation. This friends of mine, why they are so curious about my love life? This love is ours, Inn and me. Just let us to enjoy it ourself, not sharing it to other.

Finally I could escape from them. But unlucky for Inn. He got drag away by them. I saw them dragged him away from Copper who wanted to help him. I followed them from afar. They tried to force him to open his mouth about him and me. Before they could get the answer, Copper saved him and dragged Oh away. Inn ran away. I pulled him when he passed me by.

"We are look like a running wedded, aren't we?" He joked and panting.

"So, you are thinking to marry me then?"

"Who said I wanna marry you?" I pushed him to the wall again. Trap him between my arms. Shit. I loved this posisition so bad. I loved doing this to him. I smirked.

"So, you don't to marry me in future huh?" I challenge him, "Well... If you said like that, I can go with Nam. She will love to marry me!"

"No, you can't!"

I chuckled. This handsome boy of mine. He must be challenged first before he told me the truth about his feeling.

"So, say it!"

"I want to marry you?"

"No. Another one!" He was blushing. Again. He was shy.

"Say it please...." I was pleading him, "Inn?"

"I love you, Sun!"

That is the words that I wanted to hear from his mouth. Three magic words that can make me go to cloud nine. I always want to hear it everyday from him. I won't be feel bored of it.

I leaned my face close to his face. Ready to kiss him. He closed his eyes and lift up his face. We were ready to taste our lips. But... Thud... I heard something fell near us. It was books. We looked at the side of us. There was Peach standing looking at us. She look shocked.

"Emmmm..." she took her books, "Just continue whatever you guys doing. Don't mind me. Let's just say I don't see you guys!" She ran and left us. We laughed.

"So, where were we before? Should we continue our business?" He pushed me away.


Then he ran away again. Shit. Why he always makes me to chase him?


I don't know what possessed me to write this cheesy story about Inn and Sun

I need life!
This two make me want to be lovey dovey 😂😂

Okay, I have bad news for you guys
We are near to the end of this story
Maybe few chapters more until this story end 😢

But let we enjoy this story until the end

I reached 1K!!! Omg my story have seen for more than 1K times 😱😱 I am so happy 😁Thank you readers *bow*

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I reached 1K!!! Omg my story have seen for more than 1K times 😱😱 I am so happy 😁
Thank you readers *bow*


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