Let The Games Begin!

Start from the beginning

"Tonight's just gonna be so fun! Right Mairin, Andi?" Bonnie asked us while I was shuffling the cards out of their original order. We both nodded.

"Yeah! You're right!" Mairin answered as she took a peek of the set of cards that I was shuffling.

"Ohhhh... They're Fire and Dragon Type themed, huh? My set back in my bag are the Grass and Fairy Type ones" Mairin informed us. I nodded. Since there were a lot of people who wanted to play the game, not to mention some pokemon too, the company decided to create sets designed with different type pairings. Such as mine and Mairin's, mine are the Fire and Dragon Type set, while Mairin's were the Grass and Fairy Type ones. There are other sets such as Dark and Ghost Type, Psychic and Steel Type, Electric and Flying Type, Water and Ground Type, Fighting and Rock Type, Bug and Poison Type, and lastly, Ice and Normal Type cards.

As soon as I was already done shuffling the deck of cards, Serena, Ash, Clemont, and Alain came into the room carrying bags of snacks, like cheese flavored potato chips, nuts, cheese covered popcorn, chocolate covered dried mangoes, and other snacks. When I saw the chocolate covered dried mangoes that were carried by Alain, I went crazy.

"Wahhhhhh! Chocolate covered dried mangoes!!! My favorite!!! GIMME SOME!!!" I said... loudly and embarrassingly... Alain just looked at me strangely. Welp... I have a sweet tooth and I love chocolate and dried mangoes, even the mango itself! Just... Not... The green ones...

"Uh... okay...?" Alain then said as he threw me the bag full of sweets.

"Thank you!" I thanked him as I caught the bag of chocolate covered dried mangoes, I immediately opened it and ate some to ease my craving for sweets.

We all released our pokemon first so that they could play their own game of UNO. They used Mairin's deck of cards. Luckily, these cards were made to be fire resistant, water resistant, nearly indestructible by any pokemon move, but they can still be easily torn apart. These were given qualities as such so that the pokemon that were playing wouldn't destroy it when they get mad at losing... As what other people say that UNO is the game that destroys friendships, but that only depends on the people playing.

The others then also sat down on Serena's bed. And it started. I firstly distributed some of the cards for us; seven cards for each player. As I was done distributing, I got one card on our extra deck and flipped it over to know what card begins it. It was a Yellow 3, having an Ampharos design on it.

Since I was the one to distribute the cards, the games starts with my turn, and next was Mairin, then Bonnie, then Serena, then Ash, 'Wait... They're sitting next to each other? How can this night get better?!??' I thought to myself, but let's continue on the sitting arrangement. On the left of Ash was Clemont, then Alain, then it goes back to me.

I dropped a Blue 3 card with a Mega Charizard X as its design. Mairin then drew a card from our deck of extra cards. It seems to be that she doesn't have any Blue or 7 cards, even after that card draw, so she drew another card.

"Ha! I finally have a Blue card!" she exclaimed. She dropped a Blue 8 card with a Dragonair design on it.

So next was Bonnie. She then dropped a Red 8 card on top, showing its Pansear design. I gotta say... The designers of these cards are good. Having pokemon as designs for the gaming cards was a great idea.

It was Serena's turn now. She then dropped a special card. It was a Red Draw Two card with a Tepig design on it.

"Aww... Why did it have to be me?" Ash whined. We all just laughed.

"Ash. I'm so sorry. It's just that I don't have any other Red cards. I'm so sorry" Serena apologized. While Serena was still apologizing to Ash, me and Bonnie faced each other at Mairin's back. We were fangirling about them again. We were chuckling behind Mairin's back.

[DISCONTINUED] Twist Of Fate (Alain X OC)Where stories live. Discover now