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Reyna wasn't quite sure what happened. One moment there was a bang the next there was blood and lots of it. Thalia scrambled to her feet and grasped Reyna's arm her hand slick with blood.

"Come on!" She yelled dragging Reyna down the street at a sprint. Reyna stared back at the incident in horror before shaking her head and following Thalia. She wasn't sure where they were going but it didn't matter, they needed to get away and fast.

"Are you hurt?" Reyna panted as they ducked into a side street and Thalia slumped against the wall out of breath. Reyna noticed her free hand was now clamped over the wound that was gushing blood from her wrist. "Oh God."

"I need to get home." Thalia grunted as a puddle of blood collected on the ground.

"No you need to get to the hospital." Reyna said kneeling in front of her worriedly.

"My mom can't afford that shit." Thalia growled biting her lip to distract herself from the pain. "Take me to Apollo's. There's medical supplies there, he studied medicine."

"You're insane!" Reyna looked at her friend wide eyed before dragging her to her feet and guiding her down the street. It was a painstakingly long walk and Reyna knew by the way Thalia was staggering she'd lost too much blood already.

Reyna knocked on the door urgently and thankfully Artemis was quick to open it. The other girl was about to ask what was wrong when she spotted all of the blood. "Inside now. Bathroom. Go."

Reyna was half carrying Thalia now and held the girl's wrist over the sink when they made it to the bathroom. Thalia was having a hard time staying awake.

"What the hell happened?" Artemis demanded sprinting down the hall with her brother's first aid kit. "Where's Apollo?"

"He's still at the party. Octavian and Orion tried to pull some crazy ass stuff." Reyna didn't know how to stitch anything but she'd seen it done once on a documentary. Thalia was too out of it to feel the pain anyways and with shaking hands Reyna tried to suture the wound.

"Why would they corner you guys? They want nothing to do with any of us." Artemis frowned trying to clean up all of the blood.

"Look it's a long story alright? We found some stuff out and they know. They're behind all of this." Reyna breathed tying off the end of the thread.

"Thalia, I told you not to go looking into anything!" Artemis growled looking like she wanted to slap the delirious Grace who could only slur a half hearted apology.

"We went to the scene of Selina's death. We found this watch and some eye print and a data drive. I'm guessing it got blown up." Reyna explained. "Thing is Leo checked the hard drive. There's all sorts of stuff on it. Messages, photos, all of it about the stuff going on."

"You should have gotten rid of that when you had the chance." Artemis shook her head smacking Thalia on the cheek to keep her awake.

"I figured we could use it." Reyna grunted bandaging over the poor stitch job.

"What? Turn it into the cops?" Thalia's breathing slowed down a bit but she seemed more stable now that the bleeding wasn't as bad.

"I don't know. Do something with it!" Reyna retorted.

"You don't get it." Artemis smacked Reyna's hands away from the medical kit drawing her attention, grabbing her by the front of her shirt. "They will kill you. The police are in their pocket. You are asking for a death wish."

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