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"So this is the tech friend you have?" Thalia asked looking at the Hispanic elf looking boy in Reyna's garage.

"Leo Valdez at you service." The boy winked and gave a flamboyant bow.

"Yeah. Alright, Leo you owe me a favor. Can you figure this out? Get any information you can off of it?" Reyna held up the phone hard drive.

"Sure thing hot stuff." Leo took the hard drive from Reyna and turned it over in his palm. "When do you want it back?"

"As soon as possible." Reyna said.

"Deal." Leo smiled tucking it into his pocket. "So how'd you get it? What's it for?"

"Found it. Just curious to see what's on it." Reyna shrugged though it was clear Leo didn't believe what she'd said.

"Alright. Well your motives are confidential." Leo promised cracking his knuckles. "See you around ladies."

Leo left without much else to say leaving the two girls alone in the garage. Thalia was skeptical. "You really trust him with that?"

"It's him or we never figure out what that hard drive holds." Reyna sighed. "I don't particularly like it but his record is good."

"Alright, I trust you. Now, what are we doing in the meantime?" Thalia asked.

"Homecoming is tonight." Reyna said. Thalia immediately recoiled.

"I thought we weren't going. I'm sure as hell not." Thalia shook her head.

"No, I know that. The after party." Reyna said. "I was talking to Annabeth when I ran into her yesterday. She said the after party is at Drew's. Drew is on the in crowd with Luke and his squad."

"You're suggesting we snoop around?" Thalia questioned tucking her hands in her pockets.

"I'm saying it might be an opportunity to figure some other things out." Reyna sighed glancing at their small evidence wall. So far it was pretty blank.

"I agree but it's going to be suspicious especially because Drew knows I hate her. I wouldn't willingly go to her house ever." Thalia explained a shiver passing down her spine.

"That's why I have a plan." Reyna smiled. "We need fake dates."

"Oh no. I know what the look on your face means. I'm not letting you play match maker." Thalia took a step back holding her hands up defensively.

"Oh please I'm not gonna pair you up with someone stupid. You're going to go with me." Reyna shrugged.

"And you're cool with that?" Thalia asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. All we have to do is dress up a little bit." Even Reyna didn't seem too fond of the idea.

"I guess we better start with the torture then. What have you got stored up your sleeve Arellano?" Thalia was at Reyna's mercy. The other girl managed to find a somewhat nice outfit. It was her father's old dress jacket and a white collared shirt to go underneath. Thalia, of course, insisted on adding her own flare.

She rolled the sleeves up to the elbow and kept her tattered jeans and boots. "It's good enough for it to look like I tried."

Reyna rolled her eyes but went with the same sort of idea. A decent outfit that could pass off as an attempt. Just as they finished up their phones buzzed from an incoming message.

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