All eyes were on Batman as he began, "We found out what Vlad is up to, he's going to lead an army to take over the Earth, after that he's going to take over the ghost zone."

"But why would Vlad care about taking over the Earth?" Red Tornado asked.

"Phantom revealed that Vlad isn't a normal ghost, both he and Phantom are half human and half ghost. Vlad wants to take over both worlds because he's a part of both worlds, Phantom has stopped him before but this time is different. Vlad is working with the Light and once he takes over the ghost zone he'll betray the Light and take the Earth for himself."

"Vlad is attacking four cities and he'll continue to attack other cities until the Earth surrenders. If he succeeds he'll have every one of us either locked up or killed so no one can oppose him. Phantom has a plan to stop him, he's asked the League if they'd like to help take Vlad down."

Wonder Woman looked slightly irritated, "So he's asking for our help and he isn't even here to do it himself?"

Batman resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "He doesn't need our help, he's already got a plan to stop Vlad. He's asking the League if we want to help because our world is also in danger, he's already getting ready to fight Vlad. I can say without a doubt that he can do this with or without us, he's just giving us a chance to fight for our world like he is."

Everyone thought for several moments before they all agreed to help and Batman went to get the team. Then all of the heroes traveled to the mountain and most of them were confused, then Batman called Phantom. The ghost teen had given him a device that would work in the ghost zone as well as the human realm so they could talk to each other.

When Phantom picked up Batman immediately started talking, "We need a way into the ghost zone."

Phantom nodded even though Batman couldn't see it, "I'll send someone to get you." Phantom hung up and not even ten seconds later a portal to the ghost zone opened and Wulf stepped through. Wulf tried to talk to them but since no one could understand him he just motioned for them to go through the portal.

When they did they were met with ghosts walking everywhere, it wasn't as crowded as it was before but there was still a fair amount of ghosts. Batman looked at Wulf, "Where's Phantom?" The ghost once again motioned for them to follow him and the heroes did, it was a bit difficult to get around the ghosts without bumping into any of them though.

When they got to Phantom he was talking to a ghost that seemed to be made out of metal with flaming green hair. When Phantom and the metal ghost saw them the metal ghost looked at Phantom, "I'll talk to you later." The ghost walked off and they all wonder what they were talking about but they didn't think now was a good time to ask.

Phantom turned to the heroes, "So all of you decided to come, I'm actually a little surprised."

Batman ignored the comment, "Where are the generals?"

"Dora is at her kingdom with her group, Frostbite is in the Far Frozen getting ready, Pandora is at her lair gathering items she needs. Fright Knight is here but he's helping other ghosts on the other side of the grounds and helping with weapons."

Batman nodded, "Is there somewhere else we can talk?"

Phantom gave Batman a look that said, 'did you really just ask me that,' and the halfa motioned for them to follow him. It was easier to get through the crowd the crowd this time because the ghosts created a path for Phantom. They walked to the castle and once they were all inside Phantom closed the doors and looked at the heroes.

Red Tornado looked around, "Who owns this castle?"

Phantom crossed his arms, "I do." All of the Leaguers that didn't know this already stared at Phantom in shock but the halfa didn't seem phased by it. Phantom mentally sighed, "I know most of you are likely unfamiliar with the plan so I'll explain what's going on." Phantom explained the plan to the Leaguers and they were impressed, it was a good plan.

Once Phantom was done explaining the plan he proceeded to tell the Leaguers which general they would be helping. "Dr. Fate, Wonder Woman, and Flash will be helping Pandora in Central city. Green Arrow, Aquaman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), and Hawkgirl will be helping Dorathea and Star City. Red Tornado, Superman, Green Lantern (John Stewart), and Hawkman will be helping Frostbite in Metropolis."

"Black Canary, Captain Atom, and Captain Marvel will he helping Fright Knight who will be standing by as backup. Batman, and Martian Manhunter, and the team are going to be with me in Gotham city. All of the generals are going to come back here soon and when they do I'll introduce you to them and you'll go to your designated general."

Wonder Woman gave Phantom a strange look, "And how'd you decide this?"

"Factoring in the area you'll all be operating in, if you'd be able to work together, and how strong each group would be I decided that this would likely be the best combination." Everyone looked slightly shocked that Phantom had put this much thought into all of this and he didn't know why. Phantom didn't just throw caution to the wind and hope things would work out.

He had put a lot of time and thought into this plan, ever since he found out about the details of Vlad's plan he had been putting this plan together. Phantom wasn't sure how to respond but thankfully he didn't have to because Fright Knight walked through the door. Fright Knight saw Phantom and walked over to him, "My king, a few ghosts are requesting to speak with you."

Phantom nodded and the two walked to the front doors again, the doors were closing right as Phantom heard Captain Marvel say, "Wait, king?!" Phantom felt the urge to laugh as he and Fright Knight went to talk to the ghosts, this was going to be interesting.


Sup guys?! So I'm sorry I couldn't update sooner but I have a surprise, I'm going to write a Halloween special for both of my stories! You can put costume ideas, things that you want to see happen or other things related to Halloween that you want to see included in the chapter! I can't include everything but I'll do my best and it might also end up in my other story! Good luck dear readers, stay safe, and happy (possibly early) Halloween!

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