Origin I : She-Wolf

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The obnoxiously loud winds scraped across the land like a tropical storm. The wind powerful enough to rip trees from the ground and make stationary boulders turn into deadly landslides across mountain ranges. The cloaked figure took a difficult step forward towards the wind, a hood covering his entire face, the hood at the top having two very distinct and large ear flaps that were secured tightly down. The cape of the cloak waved behind the figure as the wind pushed him back in the dirt. The figure quickly pulled out what seemed to be a pole-like stick and shoved it deep into the ground and held hard as he gained his balance. The figure reached up and pulled the hood off their face. The heavy, cold rain hit the fennec's face quick as he revealed his face to the gloomy air and his ears few back and stuck to the back of his head from the intense winds. He looked forward with his eyes, one shining a vibrant green and the other representing a malicious and seductive red hue.

"Quite the storm, huh?" said the figure standing ahead of him. In front of the fennec stood a much larger animal who was wearing a trench coat and had a tricorne perched upon his head covering his ears. The wolf looked at the fennec smirking as the fennec stared back with no remorse for his peer. "Not even a hello to your old pal? That's quite harsh, even for you Jayke." the wolf exclaimed to the fennec. Jayke looked at the wolf for a good few seconds before responding, taking in his looks, the first he had in a very long time away from his former friend. The wolf was easily 6"2 compared to his 4"2. Hard to make out his old friend he could still just see the scare riveted across his friend's left eye and the sword holstered in the sheath that was clipped onto his belt.

"What do you want Acer?" Jayke growled back, "Pulling me from my private home out in this bastardly storm is quite the harsh proposition, even if I do owe you for that one time. As he finished his statement, Jayke reaffirmed his slipping grip on the wooden rod he has previously stuck into the ground. The wolf just smiled in response.

"I have someone I need you to find." The wolf handed Jayke a document in a waterproof envelope. It's another rascal we found in the city, under code-name Είπε λύκος. The fennec quickly dropped the file in his satchel he had hidden underneath his flowing cloak.

"You always loved your Greek translations Acer, what is this one suppose to mean?" The fennec questioned the larger creature as he looked around the area they had met. A small town known as Solaris was around them, a small, oceanside town use to the harsh weather and only a short distance from Jayke's home. The trees here, unlike other areas, were still firmly lodged in the ground and the water on the beachfront was wiping around courageously and harmfully, splashing up less than ten feet from the two's discussion.

"It translates into She-Wolf. Another misfit in the town we need you to deal with."

"Why can't one of the members in your force deal with it?" The fennec responded, "Hell, I mean you could contact Silver if its that difficult to deal with this felony." The wolf only rolled his eyes.

"We need you since the culprit is too fast for us, and to be frank you are known for your speed." The fennec grimaced at this statement. Even if the wolf was right, Jayke had not been on one of the PD's assignments in years, even if his speed advantage was as good as it was. Eventually, the fennec sucked in his pride.

"Fine, I'll do it, but tell Silver he better provide my Beretta." The wolf glared at the fennec for this but quickly went back to his normal responsive attitude.

"Ugh... I'll try my best, but you know how he is." The wolf responded and the fennec's silence as a response nailed the point home for the wolf. "Alright fine I'll get your Beretta for you."

For the first time in awhile, the fennec smiled back at the wolf as he turned and walked off. The fennec stood until the wolf was just out of the range of his site and he decided to turn around and head back to his home.


The alarm clock buzzed loudly and was quickly silenced from the fennec laying in the bed. Jayke wearily opened his eyes and checked the time, the digital display reading 4:32 in military time. He yawned and stood up and walked to his bathroom, walking past his cloak on the way and picking up a pair of boxers as he walked out of his bedroom. Once reaching the bathroom he looked into the mirror to review over himself. His shirtless reflection looked back at him with an annoyed and tired expression. He only cared for one thing as he looked in the mirror however, his green eye seemed to be less vibrant than usual and his red eye glowed brighter. He opened the drawer and pulled over a syringe which contained a green liquid.

He quickly put it into his arm and injected, his green eye quickly glowing brighter and dimming the red eye more. He body shakes furiously as this happened, the sight could be easily mistaken for a panic attack or a possession of his body. After a few seconds, he drops the syringe and falls forward, catching himself on the old cabinets above the sink and he panted quickly, rubbing his eyes with one of his paws. After about a minute he straightens up and turns on the shower behind him and goes about his daily routine.

Jayke tramples down the stairs into his kitchen and quickly makes some instant noodles for himself and starts to lap it down like a dog who hasn't eaten in days. Halfway through his cup, he looks over at his front door an notices a package. He puts the cup of soup on the table and walks over still not fully clothed and opens the door picking up the box and closing the door as he brings the box inside. He sets it down on his counter and uses his claws to rip away the packing tape. Afterwards, he opens up the box and pulls out a smaller box and quickly removes the latches on the side, opening it up and picking up a Beretta that seems to be very used and very old. He drops the mag into his hand looking at the disabling bullets, he figured since the PD did not want Jayke to hurt anyone else.

Jayke walks upstairs leaving his noodles on the counter as he makes it to his room and quickly gets dressed. Jayke pulls on a pair of dark blue jeans and a dark grey shirt overtop himself. His finishes with a black belt and his signature black cloak. He walks over to the hooks on the wall pulling off the large satchel already pre-packed with a week of clothes and his wallet which he pulls out and places in his back pocket. He goes back downstairs and equips the gun holster to his belt and drops his signature weapon into it, putting the rest of the box, that the game came in, into his satchel. He looked through the bigger box one more time and finds his old PD badge and puts it in his other back pocket that the wallet was not contained.

He walks to his front door and opens it up and steps outside looking around picking up his wooden rod that had been left on his doorstep. As he adjusted the rod onto its holster within the cloak he closes and locks his door. One last time checking that he has everything he walks through the town of Solaris and to its train station stopping in front of the railway waiting for several minutes as the train comes up and stops in front of him. He looks up at the digital display on the train that lists 'TO DOWNPOUR CITY'. He steps onto the train and finds a seat quickly and looks out the window as the sun begins to rise up front behind the tree line.

"Well let's see how this goes."

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