Tip #4- Offensive Terms

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Some words do not have the desired effects. Instead of sounding smart or witty, we just sound like assholes who don't know how to use the language properly. There are some words that do have that wanted effect, but did you know that there's some words that have powerful impacts on people that may simple for you?


See, that stands out to everybody. But, what happens if I type/write, or even just say, it normally? To some people, it still pops out in our minds. There's an increase of sexual abuse and a rise of suicide in present years. Maybe using terms like THAT R WORD or its counterpart that starts with an "m" is a REALLY BAD IDEA?


Unless you're writing about somebody who has mental redartation, I must ask that you just don't use this term. It's rude and crude, folks.

Similar terms are also HUUUUUUGE no-no's.

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