Chapter 1 tears and promises

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"How long has it been?"

 A weak voice said in the midst of the wind. Crows hovered over the field that a few hours ago there was the battle of the last stand. Bodies lay on all sides the same descended on them like drops of rain, the carnage stood across the land,this plain stood between the ancient city of Sthalberg  and the ruins of Uschtenheim. The confrontation had been waged by the soldiers of the army of hope led by King Ottmar better known as the "mighty lion" of the kingdom of Willendorf against the legions of the Nemesis .

They came from the north like a plague to plunder and loot all that stood in their way, a sage from the mountains of paradise prophesied the march of a great army that would bring chaos to the last sanctuaries of peace in Nosgoth and bring with them the end of the kingdom, prophecy said that they would bring looting, rape, torture, death and destruction to cataclysmic levels and that they could not be stopped, many kingdoms fell by the Nemesis power hunger, the first was that of King William the just, the beloved boy king, he was a great swordsman but he had no chance against the tyrant's forces and after him several others followed until he reached our plain and we knew what that meant, the army of hope was the last wall of defense against the nemesis but it was all in vain, Nosgoth was at his mercy.

And it's all that vampire's fault,that one called Kain, he poisoned Ottmar mind that we could hold the tyrant but in the last minute he left us to die,he and the Nemesis would pay dearly for this.

(Alexandros P.O.V)

"How did this happen?"

Blood dripped from my mouth and i could not move, then i realized i was on my knees over a pool of blood. i looked down and saw a spear running through my chest and a cut lay under it , the tip was pinned to the ground, with no chance of escaping. Death was certain,i lowered my head and saw that the blade of my sword lay broken in front of me and in my right hand was her pommel and on my left was my wide-leafed shield with the symbol of Willindorf. i looked around  and saw brothers and foes fallen as leaves in  Autumn, my vision stopped in a specific body holding Willindorf's standard with the base torn but still managing to identify the glorious lion"ma ... r..cus" i said dripping more blood, suddenly i had a brief reverie.

cus" i said dripping more blood, suddenly i had a brief reverie

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(2 hours ago)

"Lieutenant Alexandros, I promise by the name of my family that I'm not going to drop this standard, even if I'm dead I'm not going to drop this powerful symbol" he said with a confident smile


(Alexandros P.O.V)

"Ma ... rcus ... I ... I've failed you, may you find peace"

 i continued watching the massacre,the crows were already feasting on my brothers  just waiting for me to take my last breath and fall into the darkness.Then i remembered  the last breath of Ottmar that crossed my mind.

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