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This is what happens when i decide to do a science fiction fanfiction despite the fact that i am perfectly aware of how crap  i am at science and science sounding mumbo-jumbo

The blaring of the alarm was what woke them up. No, not of a clock, but of the Castle-ship. Allura and Coran were the first to arrive at the control deck. While Coran was stressing out, pulling on his ginger hair and moustache, the Altean princess was going through the castle's defence system to see what had set off the alarms. Her blue and purple eyes were still scanning the screen when the paladins arrived. They were in full uniform, with their bayards at the ready, a huge improvement since their first emergency drill. However, some of them were still half asleep. They may of looked prepared, but their minds and bodies were failing to catch up with what was going on so early. Pidge was still rubbing the sleep out of her brown eyes from behind her glasses, Hunk's eyes were still  drooped half closed, Lance was yawning and wining about being woken up, and Keith had a bad case of bed head and looked about ready to kill someone. Shiro seemed to be the only one awake and ready for whatever was headed for them, but that was only becouse he was having trouble sleeping anyway. He was used to it.

"Allura, whats going on?" questioned the black paladin, as he stepped forward to see what was happening. He didn't get an answer at first, since the princess was too focused on what she was doing. For a moment, her brows were furrowed in what seemed like confusion. "Princess?" Coran spoke up. Allura made a quick gesture on the screen, and it increased in size. It showed the outside of the ship, from the point of view of a security camera. At first sight it only seemed to show space, lots and lots of space, but with another quick gesture from Allura, it zoomed in to reveal an object that was in the distance.

Everyone went still, perplexed looks on each of their faces. "What the hell is that?" Keith spoke up, stating everyones thoughts. "I was hoping someone else could figure that out, since I have never seen anything like it before in my life" the space princess sighed in frustration. "It seems to be some sort of ship, or pod. A container at least. I can tell its made of metal" Pidge muttered, squinting her eyes at it, as if it would help her figure it out. "Its egg-shaped" Hunk grumbled, before suddenly perking up. "Oh boy, imagine the size of the omelate you could get out of that". "Should we go out and poke it, see what it does?" Lance suggested.

Nobody answered that. When it was proven that nobody else had something to say, Allura proceeded. "It's also letting off a signal of some sort. I've been trying to get it to sound clearer, but its hard when it's in its current position. This is the best I could get it". With another press of a button, something similar to a recording began to play. Everyone found themselves leaning in to hear it better, but the most they could get out of it was static. "Well, I...." Lance began, but Pidge ended up shushing him. "Can you hear something Pidge?" Shiro asked hopefully. "It's very faint, but I think I can hear a voice" came the answer. With that, everyone went quiet so that Pidge could hear through the static. They didn't need to, for as soon as they went silent,  they could clearly hear a hoarse voice. " Voltron" it rasped.

Pidge shivered, Coran made a strange, inhuman noise of terror, Keith, Allura and Shiro went tense, while Hunk and Lance backed clear away, as if whatever made the noise could attack them through sound. "Nope" Hunk called out, his face  depicting fear. "I don't care how delicious that giant space omelate is. I'm not going anywhere near that". "Me either. What if that is about to hatch a hoard of space zombies or something..... actually that sounds awesome sign me up". Again, everyone was ignoring this.

"It's after voltron?" Allura mumbled to herself. "Is it from the galra?" Pidge wondered. "I doubt it. It doesn't match any of their technology, at least that we know of. Then again, it could be very easily a clever disguise" Coran clarified. "Perhaps it's someone needing voltron's help?" Shiro suggested. "Or a trap. It could be one of those strange robot monsters they keep sending us" Keith pointed out. Allura began taking all of these facts into consideration. Her brows furrowed and she rubbed her chin, straining her brain for a decision. 'What should we do? We could very easily leave it, but what if it comes back. What if it really is from a planet that needs our  help? But which one? I have never seen anything like it, from any of the planets I've heard of, and it has no signature markings. It's just white'. She came to a conclusion.

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