f o u r - still first day

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your pov

he stuck his hand or towards me and i thought he was going to like attack me or something so i forced his hand down.

"what the fu-?!" the boy exclaimed.

"don't. touch. me." i said.

then a guy with big, curly, brown hair jumped in.

"it was just a friendly gesture. see? like this!" and he grabbed my hand gently and shook it.

then a dark boy said, "so. you got powers?"

"powers?" i ask.

then the pretty red-head said, "y'know. like cool things you can do with your mind and stuff."

i just tilted my head in confusion.

then the jane girl started to speak again.

"yes, she has powers."

she then began to point at everyone.

first, the redhead. "max."

then the dark skinned boy. "lucas."

then the boy with curly brown hair and a lisp. "dustin."

then the cute boy with pale skin and freckles. "mike."

then the short boy with brown hair with a bowl cut. "will."

lastly, she pointed to herself. "eleven. jane."

my eyes widened when she said eleven.

i remember a girl named eleven.

i engulfed her in a hug, happy that there is someone else like me.

jane slowly began to hug me back.

then i pulled away and happily pointed to myself. "twelve."

she smiled broadly and pulled me back into a hug.

"well, shit. it's a reunion." the dustin boy said.

jane pulled back and motioned in between us.

"us, sisters?"

i shrugged, not knowing what sister meant.

"sister?" i questioned.

then the cute mike boy jumped in.

"sister is someone you're biologically related to."

that just made me even more confused.

"bio- biolog- biogically? related?"

then will slapped his shoulder lightly.

"nice going, mike! you made her more confused!"

then the teacher came back in.

"aye! you kids get to class!"

since the teacher yelled at me, i bolted out of the classroom. i didn't want her being mad at me.

the kids quickly followed behind me.

"slow down a little, would ya?" lucas asked.

i just shrugged in response.

max smirked. "look like we got another zoomer."

filler chapter ig?

words: 358

love triangle || m.w. x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt