t w o - getting ready

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your pov

gosh, i'm terrified.

not to mention it's still technically summer and i have to wear long-sleeves the whole year to hide that mark the lab gave me.

not to mention it's still technically summer and i have to wear long-sleeves the whole year to hide that mark the lab gave me

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(^^ your outfit)

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(^^ your outfit)

i quickly put on the outfit i chose, and i run downstairs to my foster family.

yes, i have a foster family.

ever since papa died, everyone, including me, got released.

i really want to thank whomever killed papa.

i really disliked the man.

i still know very little vocabulary, but i still understand the meaning of "family."

i rarely speak.

i mainly think.

i'm scared of people.

i'm scared of what people will think of me.

the only people who know of my "abilities", that's what papa called them, are the people at the lab, and my foster family.

i sort of feel as if my foster family is afraid of me.

but i never use my powers.

i just hope they will go away.

but the dont.

they just get stronger.

anyways, i run downstairs to be hit by the smell of food.

i smile slightly and i walk towards the table.

"good morning, twel-. er, i mean, y/n."

i nod, silently thanking the woman for not calling me twelve.

i ended up finding my real name.

well, i didn't find it.

but some cop told my family my real name.

well anyways, back on topic.

the woman, whose name is Martha, gave me a plate of food and i slowly ate it.

ever since i left the lab, i never had much of an appetite.

well, that's a lie.

i've been starving.

but i don't want to be well, i don't know the word for it.

is it rude?

yeah, i didn't want to come off as rude.

so i eat very little.

i rarely talk.

i mainly stay in my room and practice containing my powers.

the man whom i call Joe, whispered to me,

"did you accidentally make anything else levitate? or did you make anymore plants appear?"

i nodded slightly, obviously guilty.

containing my powers just make them leak out.

weird, i know.

"hey, y/n, it's okay. i know you're trying to get used to things."

i nodded thankfully, and i continued to eat silently.

once i finished i quickly washed my plate, put it in that magic cleaner thing, and ran back upstairs to finish getting ready.

i looked at my short h/c hair in the mirror.

it was still growing back from when papa cut it.

i touched my hair and i looked at the object Martha gave me.

she said it's supposed to 'de-knot' my hair, whatever that's supposed to mean.

i have seen her use it on herself before, so i might as well try it.

i grab the smaller end of the object and i pick it up and bring it to my head.

i slowly and lightly pull on the thing, and it starts to go through my hair.

amazed, i continue to do that with the rest of my short hair, until it isn't really as "knotty."

i smile at my appearance, i look different.

i don't look like i did a year ago.

i look, better.

at least that's what my family says.

i slip on some white shoes, and i believe Jim called these 'converse'.

i walk downstairs.

"jim?" i ask.

he looks at me surprisingly, probably because i actually talked.

"yes?" he responds.

"school? time to go?"

he looks at his watch and his eyes widen.

"oh gosh, of course, let's go."

and with that, we drove to my new highschool.


sorry this sucks

i'm trying, idrk how to act dumb😂

words: 616

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