"I always had the impression that you thought dimwit was my name." You comment.

"I'm not that ignorant."

"Whatever you say."

Yoongi only rolled his eyes as you gave him a smirk. Just then, both of your eyes landed on Yoongi's phone as it lit up, notifying him of an incoming call. He quickly grabbed it, answering the call without bothering to check the caller id.



"Namjoon, where are you?"

"My car broke."

"...Why am I not surprised?"

"Ah, forgive me hyung! I'll try to be there as soon as I can."

"What about the rest?"

"They should be on their way."

"Okay, bye."

Yoongi sighed, lowering his phone. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration, leaving you to wonder what could have possibly vexed him. You barely said a word, but Yoongi knew you were looking for an answer.

"Namjoon's car broke." Yoongi sighed again.

"Is he okay?" You ask, concerned.

"He's always breaking things." Yoongi shrugged, not really answering your question.

"Well, who else is coming?" You ask.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see."

You shrugged it off. You honestly didn't mind waiting as long Yoongi was keeping any insults to himself. However, minutes passed by and no one has still showed up. You knew Yoongi was growing even more impatient and you were surprised when he brought out his laptop.

"Woah, is Min Yoongi actually being productive?" You tease.

"Shush your face and let me concentrate, woman." He replies, eyes glued to his laptop.

"Can I at least see what you've worked on so far?"


You got up and gently sat down beside him, making sure to create a small distance to prevent any further awkward situations. You watched his fingers danced gracefully on the keyboard, an abundant flow of words appearing on the screen. He was so focused on his work that it distracted you from keeping up with the script.

"I can't believe you're taking this seriously." You accidentally whisper.

"Since I'm forced to make one, why not give it my best?" He responds, barely meeting your eyes.

"Wow, Yoongi. You really are different than most guys."

He froze.

You took notice of this when he stopped typing. You looked up to him to see him looking deep in thought. You waved a hand in front of his face, and he finally snaps back to his senses.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me, it's creepy." He mutters before resuming to typing.


You decided to leave him to do his work, scrolling through your phone to look for Chaeyeon's number. You pressed the call button and brought your phone to your ear. It rang multiple times but went to voicemail.

"Chaeyeon's not replying." You mumble, letting Yoongi hear.

"It might take a while considering the heavy rain." Yoongi replies.

You blinked in confusion. Was he actually being nice to you? He took notice of this, causing him to raise an eyebrow as he sneaked a glance.


"No name calling? No insults? No retorts?" You question.

"Are you forcing me to get mad at you?" He sighs.

"No, it's just shocking." You admit.

"Well, now you know just not to get on my bad side." He mutters.

You couldn't say anything in return so you gave him a nod. He then stopped typing, stretching his arms with a look as if he's finished a whole day load of work.

"What do you think about the ending?" He asks, turning to you.

You were caught off guard upon seeing his soft features instead of his usual angered one. You scrambled closer to him, peeking at the last few lines he added. You were unable to notice a smile form on your lips as you read it.

"Wow, Yoongi. I-"

Suddenly, you were surprised when both of your phones lit up at the same time. You casually grabbed it, seeing a text message from Chaeyeon. You opened it to find a picture, causing your eyes to widen.

"They're here." Yoongi groans, a bit irked.

That's when you noticed Namjoon had also sent him the same exact picture Chaeyeon had texted you.

It was a picture of the both of you sitting close to each other.

With a drawing of a heart and a caption of what seemed to be your ship name with him.

Min Yoongi // Took the FallWhere stories live. Discover now