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February brought even colder weather to Green Field, Iowa. The air was bitter and freezing, nobody really left their house unless necessary. Even now, Oliver was curled up on the couch in the living room alone. His feet were tucked under his body while his cold hands gripped the remote to the TV.

Oliver's grey eyes were focused on the screen as, once again, Lydia Warner's picture rolled across the screen. The local reporter sat talking, explaining that it had officially been two weeks since Lydia had gone missing. "If you have any information that could help this case please call the hotline below. Her fami-" The screen went black as the white haired boy clicked the off button.

Everytime he saw anything about the "missing" teen he felt awful. He knew she wasn't missing. She was dead. Somewhere her body was rotting. And Oliver couldn't tell anyone. Her parents might spend the rest of their lives wondering where their baby girl went, never getting closure.

From the news reports Oliver knew that Lydia lived on the outskirts of Green Field and had been homeschooled her entire life. She was a good kid and had plans to become a dentist. Her life would remain a what if while her soul suffered. Her death was pushing Oliver close to insanity. She came to him for help and he had no leads.

Oliver closed his eyes and rubbed his cold hands together and let his eyes close. As the days went on, he found himself more easily exhausted. The dark energy that surrounded the entire town was slowly but surely draining him. He let his mind drift as sleep began to descend over him. The grey light from the windows the last thing he saw before the blackness of sleep officially ate away the dim view.

Though, for the first time in weeks, Oliver wasn't plagued by the dead as he slept, his sleep remained fitful. His eyes roamed across the back of his eyelids and his hands twitched from their place under his head. Occasional sounds of unrest left his parted lips and he whimpered before curling in on himself. 

The sleeping boy was, for the most part, unaware of what was happening around him. The air became freezing cold and the house darkened. His hair became laden with frost and blue tinged his delicate lips. He slept through it though, trapped in the darkness of sleep. Around him gathered the dark figures of the dead, each one colorless with undistinguishable features. Their energy was drained. The girl at the front was the only one that would have been recognizable. Lydia's Warner's sad face stared at the their only hope with longing.

One by one each figure disappeared. The house slowly returned to its normal temperature. The frost melted as though it had never been there.

Lydia cried softly, the only one left. Even she was weak. Her voice was just barely above a whisper, but it reached through to Oliver's exhausted mind. "Do not trust him, Oliver. Please, he is evil." Her form flickered. "Everything is almost complete. You are the last soul he will need. He's rushing the process. More of us will die." The house seemed to shudder and the ghost girl disappeared as though she'd never been there.


Oliver's voice was scratchy as he answered his phone, the pre-set ringtone bothering him from his comfortable position of laying in his bed. After waking from his nap on the couch he'd found himself disgustingly sick. His nose was stuffy and his throat hurt and his head was pounding. All together, he had earned a much deserved break from school.


"Hey, babe. Why aren't you at school?" Dan's smooth voice slid through the phone's speaker.

Oliver smiled gently and sniffed. "I'm a little bit sick. School would've been Hell."

"Aw, really? That fucking sucks." The other teen's voice was disappointed. "Wait, do you maybe need some company? I can bring some movies and we can cuddle."

The white haired boy frowned slightly as he twiddled his pale fingers together. Yes, before everything other worldly had started to go down hill he'd been happy to have normal, teen problems. Now, with everything going on, it just stressed him out more. Dan was super sweet, and seductive, and nice. Luke, though. Luke may have been flaky, but he had more than made up for it. He'd helped Oliver so much, and was so attractive.

He didn't know if inviting Dan over would be misleading. Yes, they had gone on a date and kissed, but that didn't mean anything. They weren't dating.

Oliver bit his lip and closed his briefly before finally answering. "I'd actually really like that, Dan."

About thirty minutes later Oliver was opening the door for Dan who had his arms full. The pale boy gave a slightly pained smile and let the taller teen walk past him. Shuffling behind Dan, Oliver followed wrapped up in his comforter. While the sick teen let himself fall onto the couch and curl around his knees, Dan took his armful of movies and plopped himself onto the floor in front of the TV. He glared at the CD player for a few seconds before turning it on and smiling contently.

"So, what do you want to watch?" Dan smiled, for once not putting up his usual flirty façade.

Oliver stared at the selection that the other teen had dropped on the ground and smiled when he saw exactly what he wanted to watch. "Is The Iron Giant good with you?"


Nearing the end of the animated movie Oliver and Dan had given up on trying to be normal and had ended up tangled together in a mess of limbs. Oliver's head was resting on Dan's shoulder as Hogarth watched the Giant's bolt roll away. From the sound of the taller boy's breathing, Oliver knew Dan was asleep. It was peaceful to lay with someone again.

Being able to hear someone else's heartbeat was nice. Harley never seemed to be home anymore, Luke hadn't been over in a while, and Oliver's cat was actually dead. The white haired teen blinked sleepily as the drum like sound lulled him into a sleepy state. As he glanced back at the TV screen one more time, Oliver flinched violently. Reflected in the screen was Quinton, his form manifested behind the couch. His face was a mask and his eyes were nothing. Just pitch black pools.

Before he could say anything the spirit was gone. The feeling of tension didn't leave with him, unfortunately. His dark eyes kept Oliver from sleeping as he snuggled into Dan's warm side.

It was like a warning.



I didn't edit, or even proof read... So, feel free to point out my mistakes XD

You guys should give me some theories on what you think is going on!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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