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"Hey Oliver!" A voice behind the jumpy boy called, making him flinch and turn quickly. His grey eyes landed on a familiar red head- Luke. The ginger was walking towards him with a wide smile decorating his pale face, and Oliver was once again slightly dazzled.

"Hi." The white haired teen said, a starry look on his face. The slightly shorter of the two bit his lip and looked down, one hand going up to mess with his ear piercing, letting his ginger locks cover his eyes. A blush was rising on Luke's cheeks as he kept his eyes averted, and his embarrassment alone made Oliver awkward and red faced. Finally, Luke made eye contact and smiled widely. "I know we haven't really talked, but I was wondering if you wanted to go out this weekend?" His bright face faltered and Luke looked panicked. "Unless you're straight! Then, I'm really sorry and didn't mean to offend you! Just, you're really attractive and I noticed that sometimes you stare at me too. I mean, not that-"

Oliver laughed quietly and blushed darkly, wishing his hair was long enough to cover his burning cheeks. He felt so awkward, but he didn't care at that point. Luke, good looking Luke from art class, wanted to go on date and thought he was attractive. It was so surprising, but Oliver couldn't help but to say nod. "Yes, I'd really like that." He awkwardly shifted and said, "I'm very gay." Then mentally face-palmed. He had no idea why he just said that, what a lame thing to say.

Luke then grinned in amusement and snorted to stop from laughing. "And I'm very pan." He said with a small, teasing smirk of his lips.

"Sorry, I'm a little awkward." Oliver said as he adjusted his sweat shirt.

"It's fine, really. I entirely understand. I get nervous sometimes too." Luke smiled again, that same genuine grin. "Could I get your number so we can make plans?" Oliver nodded eagerly as he dug his phone from his pocket.

"Here." The pale boy said as he handed it over, watching as Luke's slim fingers flew over the screen. Giddiness flooded him as the ginger gave the phone back.

"Text me tonight." Luke said with a nod, then he turned and walked away. Oliver caught himself staring at the other's ass and blushed, looking down and hoping no one saw him.

Even though he knew he didn't do anything worthy of pride, Oliver still felt happy for himself. He was surprised he had managed to hold that much of a meager conversation, or that he'd had the wit to answer back.


Oliver was pretty silent at dinner, only really saying thank you to Harley for the food. It was worrying to the older woman, not at all used to her nephew ignoring her. It wasn't until about half way through that she became annoyed with it and pouted at the pale boy. "Casper, what's wrong?" It was quiet for a few moments before he glanced up and bit his lip, seemingly stuck. "I'm just- were you lying to me when you told me nothing was wrong with this town?"

Harley tried to look offended but just ended up sighing and nodding, her lips pulled into a line.

"What exactly is it, then?" Oliver almost begged, his eyes wide and pleading. "I need to know."

"I can't say, Oliver." The pink haired woman sighed, not looking at him. She was nervous, and he could tell. He just wanted to know what was going on.

Harley didn't want to say, though. What she'd painted was awful and terrifying, she knew she couldn't show Oliver any of the many painting she'd made since arriving in Green Field. It wouldn't help him in the least. It was scary, knowing there was nothing she could do to stop what she'd seen.

With averted eyes, Harley stood and rushed from the table, quickly making her way towards her art room. Oliver watched solemnly, not knowing what else he could do. Nothing made sense. Absolutely nothing. So, after cleaning the table by himself, he went to bed. He never even had a chance to text Luke, but there was nothing he could do about it now. Sleep was dragging him into unconsciousness, and within seconds of laying down, he was out.

"Hello?" Oliver called, his voice echoing and scared sounding. The darkness around him was alive with activity from the dead. The air around him was moving, almost writhing as if in pain. Faint shapes of different body parts made themselves known; A hand here, torso there. It was too dark to clearly define anything, though.

With a hand stretched before him, Oliver moved more into the black. "Is anybody there?"

Something brushed against his back, causing him to whip around and try to see something in the mass of nothingness. He didn't ask anymore questions, it was obvious that whatever had touched him hadn't been friendly in the slightest. The feeling it's touch left made shivers run down Oliver's spine.


It was a mere whisper, but it sounded as though hundreds of voices had been welded together. The sound was scratchy and difficult to make out. Hundreds of different voices could be heard and it made the scared boy shiver again.


It sounded exactly the same, but this time, louder.


Again, and again, and again his name was repeated, each time raising in volume. Eventually, said teen dropped into a crouch and covered his ears, nearly clawing at the skin. "Stop it! " He screamed when the volume rose to a new height.

His head was pounding with pain, it was so strong.

The sound was nearly deafening. So many broken voices all screaming at him, they seemed so angry. It was torture. His eyes were clamped shut, he couldn't see the malevolent beings that tore at him.

"Help us. Help us! Help us, OLIVER!"

The boy shot up in bed, his hands gripping his ears and tears streaming down his pale face. He looked around and let out a harsh sob, he felt so helpless- worthless. When he went to wipe his eyes, Oliver noticed it- the crimson colored blood that harshly stood against his skin. His teary eyes widened and he touched a shaking finger under his ear, pulling it away to see more. His ears were actually bleeding.

He was about to get up so he could wash up when his window exploded.



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