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(Oliver in media)

Oliver sat inside his school's cafeteria, a shocked and apologetic look on his face. The entire room was covered in food and water. The sprinkles were still going as the fire alarm continued to blare loudly. Trays covered the floor and the food that wasn't splattered over the walls was in his hair, on his clothes, and over his skin.

The principle stood at the cafeteria doors, rage could be seen in his green eyes as he stared at the white haired boy that seemed to have caused the whole mess. How he'd caused it, nobody would ever know.

"Oliver Monroe!" The short man boomed, his face set in scowl. The mentioned boy looked around in a panic then glanced at the principle with pleading eyes. "Please, Mr.Dillon, you have to believe me! I didn't do this!"

Oliver's grey eyes were wide as he pleaded his innocence, but Mr.Dillon was having none of it as he marched across the mess of a lunch room. His once nice dress shoes were now covered in different sorts of food. "You, young man, have a lot of explaining to do!" The furious principle growled as he finally stood in front of Oliver, who was still trying to find an excuse. He honestly hadn't done it. It had been Gale Fents, a boy who had died in the very room they were standing in. He'd been a small teen who got picked on a lot, after three years of constant bullying he'd put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. He'd ended his life but stuck around after death. Today, though, he'd moved on. Only after causing a mess and getting Oliver in trouble, though.

Mr.Dillon grabbed Oliver by the ear and dragged him out of the cafeteria, causing the pale boy to be humiliated since half of the school was standing in the hallway watching the scene go down. Most of them laughed at the tall teen getting dragged by their short principle, Oliver having to bend at the waist as Mr.Dillon dragged him.

Marks were left on the white tile ground as they walked, mysterious food squishing under foot. The two finally made it to the office and were stared at by the gaping secretary who sat shocked behind her desk. Mr.Dillon threw Oliver into a chair and glared across the desk at the wincing boy who now pouted as he rubbed his red ear. "Ow," He said and glanced at the angry principle who sat across from him. He frowned and messed with his pale hair. "Please don't expel me."

Mr.Dillon rubbed at the creases that lined his forehead and sighed in exasperation. "Oliver, I know this is your third school this year. You've been expelled twice, now. And I'm afraid I will have to make it three times. When you first arrived here, it was just small things. This, though, is ridiculous. I don't know what makes you act out, but it needs to stop."

"Please, you can't expel me!" Oliver begged as he clasped his hands together, letting a few tears of anger and sadness escape his grey eyes. "My aunt and I, we've moved enough. I can't go to another school!" He really didn't want to move again, every time they moved there were different spirits. Gale had been the last major one here, it was clear now. If they moved, though, he'd have to deal with more spirits, which meant more pain. It would be awful.

"I'm sorry, Oliver, but my mind is made. You're expelled."


Oliver sat in his new room with a frown. The moving boxes around him were becoming way too familiar, it almost made him sick. Another room, another house, another town. New spirits.

The thought seemed to weigh him down. Now that him and his aunt had moved to a new town he'd have to face different beings. It was always painful to meet the dead, they were almost always sad. That was only emotional pain though, the worst part of it for Oliver was that when a spirit touched him for the first time, he could feel the pain they felt when they died- it was awful. He got flashes of their life, then witnessed the moments that lead up to their death. Then, as they died, he felt everything that they had.

Oliver had died so many times he'd lost count.

Too many times had he taken his last breath, or felt the blood drip from his body. Countless moments where he felt the life leave his body. All the violation and fear, he felt it all.

Now he had to go through it all again.

With a deep sigh, Oliver leaned his head against the wall. "Hello Greenfield, goodbye peace."


short prologue but the rest will be a lot longer, I promise!(:


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