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Luke held Oliver close. His arms wound tightly around the other boy's still shaking body. He didn't care that the paint that had been on Oliver's clothes was staining his own, he just cared that his friend was in pain. He wanted to help, that was all he wanted, but he didn't know how. Oliver had stopped screaming, but the sobs that continued to tear through his body were painful. The ginger boy had no idea what to do.

It seemed like hours- which was entirely unrealistic- until Oliver finally calmed down. His body stopped trembling and his tense muscles relaxed, he was silent. Luke tightened his arms and looked down, smiling in relief when he noticed that the pale was sleeping, and while he didn't look exactly peaceful, the fact that terror didn't cover his entire face was comforting.

So, with all the strength that Luke could muster, he picked Oliver's light body up and moved him to the bed that sat against the far wall. It was surprising that the boy didn't wake, but it made Luke smile. Being as gentle as he knew how, the red head pulled the comforter up and over Oli's lithe body, making sure to tuck him in.

It was with a twinkle to his eye that Luke sat at the edge of the bed and observed his friend. While to the awkward teen, Oliver would always be beautiful, the dark bags that rested just under his eyes made him seem worn, sad. Veins could be seen under the boy's extremely pale skin, and it was sad. Black paint was smeared over his left cheek and it was such a contrast to the pale white that Oliver's skin seemed ever paler than it actually was. It was scary, to think of all the sleepless nights that  Luke's friend must have experienced. It was even scarier to imagine that it was caused by nightmares, like the one that had just completely destroyed Luke to even watch.

With a light hand, the red head gently wiped away the black paint from Oliver's cheek. He smiled slightly and got up from where he'd been sitting and went to the desk, wanting to look at the painting that had caused such a mess. What he'd been expecting to be a beautiful work of art made him gasp in shock. Because it was beautiful, more so than he'd expected, but in a terrible, haunting way. His hand covered his mouth as he shook. What had caused Oliver to paint something so terrible?

With wide, terrified eyes he turned to look at the sleeping boy then to the window that showed the darkening sky. He took a deep breath and decided not to leave until somebody came back to the house so that Oliver wasn't alone. But when Luke reached for his phone to ask permission from his mom, he couldn't, and he didn't know why. He shrugged the strange feeling away and instead laid on top of the covers and watched Oliver sleep.


Oliver's eyes were slow to open as he awoke. His head felt sluggish and slow while his body didn't even seem to listen to him. He groaned and winced as bright morning sun filtered to his eyes through some sort of orange film. With a reluctant arm he attempted brush whatever was in his face away, only to find that he was sort of trapped. He moved his head back only himself slightly shocked. It was Luke's hair that was blocking his face vision. The boy lay in front of him, their foreheads nearly touching, while his freckled arms were trapping Oliver's body so that their bodies were nearly tangled together.

"Luke?" Oliver asked. "Hey, Luke. Wake up."

It took a few moments but ever so slowly did the mentioned boy's eyes open, only for Oliver to they hadn't. It may have been nothing more than a second, but he saw. As the ginger was opening his eyes they were blank. Nothing but white, emotionless depths. It was gone as quick as it had been there, and Oliver wondered if he'd imagined it. He knew deep down, though, that it had been entirely real. Terrifyingly, and utterly real in the most horrific of ways.

When Luke's normal and bright eyes stared into his, he wanted to forget it, because the way Luke lit up made Oliver happy. It was only a brief moment of hesitation before the albino boy was smiling, it looking slightly confused. Now wondering while the boy he had been mad at was in his bed.

"Luke, why are you in my bed?" He asked quietly, his smile still present.

The blush that took over the red head's face was adorable and priceless. It caused a small giggle to leave Oliver's mouth as he stared and watched his friend stammer along. "Um, do you remember yesterday? Y-you fell asleep in my arms and I couldn't just leave you here alone... Sorry."

With those few words Oliver's memories came flooding back and he cringed slightly as his smile dropped. Yesterday had been pure torture. The fact that Luke had actually stayed through it all made another blushy grin spread over his face, his sorrow fading. "Thanks for being here, Luke. It means a lot to me." He actually cuddled his body a bit closer and closed his eyes. "Not many would have."

"I was happy to, after what happened I didn't want you alone. I would've worried too much. I'm a complete mess when I worry!" Luke laughed softly and felt his feelings for his friend grow. The anger that had once been directed at him was gone and it made him way too happy.

Luke pushed back onto his elbows and smiled. "As much as I love laying here with you, how about breakfast?"



To satisfy the OliverxLuke shippers out there!

I love you all, thanks for sticking by me, sorry for the shortness.


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