"Ali can I talk to you".. "not a chance leave me alone".."no please listen to me it will take 5 minutes".. "still not interested".. "please Ali".. "what then" I snap.."I just know you and Emily need to be back together".."oh please like you actually care about us".."no I do well I care about Em and her happiness I have been watching you both and you need to be back together".."well we ain't going to be" I storm off..

I know what I have been doing, and I succeeded in splitting up Emily and Ali it might have been what I have wanted all along but now I realise I don't, seeing Em so unhappy as made me realise just how much having Ali means to her and I'm going to get them back together if it's the last thing I do..

Ive been home a few hours now, I look at my outfit on the back of my door hung up I really don't even want to go tonight it's going to be horrible I couldn't think of anything worse and to see Ali and Megan together I just really can't be bothered with any of it, after a half an hour of deciding my mum encourages me to go I get ready putting on my outfit doing my hair and makeup then go downstairs..

"Emmy you look beautiful".. "thanks mum I just hope other people thought that".. "you mean Ali".. "yeah" I say looking down to the floor .. "talk to her tonight you will work things out you and her are meant to be together" she says as she takes some pictures of me I try to fake a smile to make my mum happy..

I have been at the prom for about 45 minutes still no sign of Em I think to myself I wonder if she's coming or not, as I'm sat down Hanna and Aria walk towards me..
I walk into school feeling so fed up I text Hanna to say I'm almost here, i didn't even want to come as I walk in I go towards the hall and I hear someone shout me I turn around and it's Cece..

"Can you come with me a minute Em it's Ali she's in trouble".. "what do you mean".. "well follow me".. "no thanks I don't trust you".. "honestly if you go in the hall you wont see her follow me, Hanna and Aria will tell you there with Ali follow me".."fine but if this is one of your plans it stupid because me and Ali have split now anyway".. "just follow me Em" she says as we walk down the corridor then upstairs, I see Hanna and Aria outside the store room and I hear banging and shouting sounds like Ali I run over..

Emily..  "what's going on were is Ali"..
Han.. "she's in there we got told to come up for more stuff and the doors stuck"..
Cece.. "it's true she's stuck"..
Emily.. "how let me try were is the key"..
Aria.. "it's here look Em it won't turn" she says as she opens the door quickly Cece softly pushes me inside with Ali, as Aria quickly locks the door behind leaving them both inside locked in together..
"I think we just got tricked Em".."me to Ali" I say banging on the door.. "okay let us out now Cece"..

"Not not till you talk" Cece shouts from the other side of the door, i hear then all walk off outside down the corridor...

I sit down on the floor with Ali sitting opposite her things are a little awkward till I break the silence.. "so Ali do you come here often" I say as we both start laughing.. "yeah I make this a regular thing getting locked in a store room with my ex".. "I thought so" I smile at her as she smiles back.. "Ali".. "yeah Em?".. "oh nothing".."tell me?".."I was going to say I miss you".. "what about Paige?".."what about her".. "I thought she was your date tonight".."no she wasn't I didn't have one" I say looking sad .."so are you and Megan together Ali?".."no we ain't we never have been it was all a plan".."a plan?".."yeah a plan to make you jealous I don't fancy her one bit I'm inlove with you Em".."your what" I say smiling.. "you heard Em I love you" she says as I go over next to her.. "I love you to Ali I've missed your lips against mine".. "what like this Em" she leans over to kiss me lips..

Half an hour later..

"Hanna come with me I think we've left them long enough".. "okay Cece shall I get Aria".. "no just come now I think they would of made up by now".."or your plan might backfire and they could be arguing" we rush to the store room opening the door to see Emily leaning against the wall with Ali on top of her kissing each other they don't even hear us come in..

Cece.. "well I think my plan worked" she says smiling to Hanna..
Ali.. "oh my god! You could of knocked" she says quickly getting up..
Emily.. "yeah that's not funny leaving us in here"..
Cece.. "well it worked though your back talking"..
Han.. "more than talking" she laughs..
Emily.. "sshh Han" we all laugh together..
Cece.. "okay quickly you need to come back to the hall they are announcing Prom King and Queen"..

We all run back to the hall, Ali and Emily are holding hands smiling at each other, we all stand there waiting the result..

"There up to something them three" I say looking at Cece, Han and Aria.. "what do you mean Em".. "I don't know Ali I just know there up to something"...
On the stage...

"Can I have all your attention this is the moment we've been waiting for  the winner of prom Queen after counting up the votes it was a clear winner .............. Alison Dilaurentis...

Emily.. "oh my god Ali, go up there beautiful" I say kissing her lips..
Ali.. "I'm so shocked"..
Han.. "go up Ali" she says smiling..

Ali walks up on the stage, and the tiara is placed on her head..

""" Clapping and cheering """"" from everyone..

And finally can I have all your attention again now for the winner of prom King after counting up the votes it was a another clear winner .............. Emily Fields...

Han.. "Emily they called your name"..
Emily.. "people voted for me as king I'm not a boy" she says laughing..
Cece.. "no but if Ali is queen it's only right your her king" she says smiling..
Aria.. "now go up there prom King..

We all smile at her as she walks off to the stage..

I run up to Ali passionately kissing her lips...

"""" Clapping and cheering """"""" from everyone

"Can I just say thankyou everyone voting for me to be prom King im so happy but my main prize is this beautiful girl standing here my queen I love you so much Ali" I say smiling at her as the crown is put on my head... We walk off the stage holding hands Cece walks over to us..

Cece.. "congratulations you two"..
Ali.. "thankyou Cece did you plan this"..
Cece.. "I might have had a little something to do with it" she says smiling.. "but you two deserve it your made for each other, and I like seeing Em happy"..
Emily.. "thanks Cece but what did you do"..
Cece.. "I just got everyone to vote for you both, now enough talking it's time for your first dance"..

We walk off together both smiling at Cece as we walk onto the dance floor together.. "Ali we are back together now ain't we?" She says as I lean in kissing her lips.. "well what does that tell you Em" we smile each other lovingly.. "I missed you so much Ali".. "I missed you more Em".. "not possible" we both start laughing continue to dance together...

So EMISON are back together are you all happy about that ? And Cece was the one who helped maybe this is a new side to her and finally she accepts Emily is happier with Ali :)

Emison: Back Off She's MineWhere stories live. Discover now