Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

I sighed in defeat “Okay…fine…”


Elise’s POV

It’s been a week since that incident with Charlie. Mom and Aunt Gwen decided we both need a “time off with each other” so we’re not allowed to see each other for 4 weeks

My mom, Aunt Gwen and Officer Louise agreed to keep Charlie uninvolved in this case until everything is done, she can’t even go to the trial, if there is a trial. I get why they want that and even if I’m against it, I have to do it to keep Charlie safe even if it means staying away from her for a few weeks

I should have known she was going to do something like this, I’ve known Charlie for years and I know she sometimes acts first without thinking things through. I should have told her to just be patient and not do anything but I was so caught up on my own problems that I forgot to keep her safe.

Charlie wasn’t supposed to be involved with my problems but I somehow managed to drag her into it. I’m always causing her trouble…

My mom then entered my room and saw me silently sobbing

“Elise? What’s wrong?” mom asked with concern as she sat next to me

“It’s my fault Charlie got hurt” I spoke softly

Mom then hugged me, “no it’s not. It’s not anybody’s fault either. Charlie did what she did because she wanted to help you, because she loves you. People do stupid things when they’re in love Elise, and even smart people like Charlie can make stupid decisions sometimes, so stop blaming yourself”

I stopped crying and wiped my tears with my shirt, “but still, I should have done something, I should have told her to not do anything crazy or stay at school or something like that”

“If you knew Charlie’s plans, I know you would have stopped her, but you didn’t know, none of us knew, so we couldn’t stop it from happening. It’s done, it’s in the past now, the best thing you could do is be strong for the both of you”

I slightly nodded and looked at my mom, “I still can’t see Charlie right?“ I asked sadly

Mom nodded, “But Gwen and I talked earlier and agreed to let you guys talk on the phone but only for an hour”


”Come down for dinner in a little bit okay?” mom said

I nodded and mom left my room


Charlie’s POV

It’s almost 2 am and I’m still awake and for some reason I can’t sleep. I tried covering my eyes but my mind is just so wide awake

“Damn it!” I said to myself “why can’t I sleep?!”

After having another go on trying to fall asleep and failed, I sighed and decided to go grab a glass of warm milk, just to help me get to sleep

My room was dim so when I got off my bed, I knock off some of the book on my nightstand and eventually tripped on them. I managed to get a hold of my phone and used it as a flashlight. I slowly stood and got a hold of one of the books on the floor

The book was “Romeo and Juliet: Modern Understanding”. Spencer lent it to me so I could study for the literature test I missed….and that test is tomorrow, well, by the time now, the test is later

“I know I’ll probably fail but might as well try to study this” I said as I gently got back on my bed and carefully plugged in the lamp on my nightstand, I switch the lamp on, laid back and started reading, “maybe this will help me get to sleep”

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