Bargaining 1

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I remained silent through the night. "The Blood my mate. Why me? Why him?" Thought after thought ran through my mind.
     He kept an arm around my waist throughout the party. Every time I tried to leave he would growl lowly, making me stop. If I was lucky he would allow me to use the bathroom or get food and drink, but his Beta always came with me.
     Luke hovered nearby, ready to step in anytime. "Alpha Mace!" Sarah yelled. He briefly glanced at her before turning back to Alpha. She took a step towards him and touched his arm flirtasiously. He growled and she dropped her arm. "I already have a mate. Show some respect and restraint!" He yelled at her.
     She smirked before replying "Her? She's a runt. You don't want a weak little pup for a mate. I can be so much more than she ever will be. Look at how she cowers." She said hatefully. Alpha Jax growled at her.
      "Sera has been a part of this pack for years. She is loved by many and you are behaving like a bitch. I have tried to be lenient throughout the years, but this has gone far enough. If you can't find it in your heart to accept her, then go. Leave this pack. You're banished, if I see you back here," Alpha growled at her.
     Tears sprang in her eyes. I felt guilty, but I remained silent. It wasn't my place to argue the alphas decision. She bowed her head and walked away. "I'm sorry Alpha. It's my fault." I mumbled. Alpha Jax looked at me and I lowered my gaze. "How many times do we have to tell you to not do that." He said smiling. I mumbled an apology, head still lowered.
     Alpha Mace turned to me and pulled me closer. He used his thumb and index finger to raise my head. "Look at me." He said, almost pleading. I slowly raised my gaze to his. He cupped my face in both of his hands.
     "Never lower your gaze from here-on. You are my equal, you are a Luna, my Luna. You need never submit to anyone, ever." He whispered rubbing his thumb against my cheek.
     He released me and grabbed my hand. "It was a pleasure to meet you Alpha Jax, Luna May. I humbly ask you to release my mate into my care. I in turn promise to aid you whenever the need arises." Alpha Jax nodded and Luna smiled. She stepped forward and pulled me into a hug.
     "Be happy with your mate dear. You deserve to be happy." She said releasing me. I nodded and looked to Alpha. "I ,Alpha Jax, release you, Serafina, into the care of Alpha Mace Darkwood of the Crimson Moon Pack. May you find happiness with your new family." He said smiling, messing up my hair. "Do you accept the pack transfer and the command of a new Alpha?" He asked.
      I looked from Luna May, to Alpha Jax, to Luke. They all smiled at me, but I didn't smile back. I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to leave everything I knew behind. I wanted to stay, to train with Luke, I could even handle all the rude comments.
     Alpha Mace squeezed my hand and smiled at me. Avoiding eye contact with anyone I lowered my head and mumbled. "I accept." "This is what Alpha wants. I have no right to question his decision." I felt the bonds of my pack break. One by one they all disintegrated until not a single one remained. I felt the pond of my new pack settle. I would have cried if I was alone. Everyone I had ever known, the special bond between pack members, all gone within seconds. Alpha Mace pulled me to him and kissed me. When he pulled back he was smiling ear to ear. " My Luna." He said proudly.
     The rest of the party passed quickly. I went to the bathroom to get away from the crowd for a bit. This bathroom had multiple stalls and was quite luxurious. I stared at my reflection in the sink before one of the stalls burst open. I yelped and jumped, then slowly turned around. Sarah stood there glaring daggers at me. "You!" She yelled.
     "I..I....I....I didn't....", "SHUT UP! ITS YOUR FAULT IM BANISHED! YOURE A RUNT, YOU MEAN NOTHING!" I went to take a step back when she slapped me. I fell from the force of the blow. I held a hand to my cheek where her nail had scratched me. When I looked at my hand I saw blood. I looked back up at her pleadingly.
     "Everyone dotes on you. You privileged little pup. You don't deserve an Alpha for a mate. You're weak." She kicked me in the stomach. "You're pathetic." Kick. "Your worthless." Kick. "You don't deserve to live!" She grabbed my hair and pulled me to my feet then flung me into the wall. The blow knocked the breathe out of me and I slumped to the floor. Sarah stood there shaking in rage, directed solely at me. "Katya! Marie! Aria!" She yelled. I didn't understand until the three girls walked in. "Lu-Luke. S....Sarah....trap." I linked him, hoping he'd get there in time. "What should we do with it?" Laura asked, flipping her raven hair over her shoulder. Her green eyes looked at me as I were gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe. Marie and Aria cast their blue eyes on me then looked to Sarah for orders. "Take her to the border. I know there are rogues hanging around. Sell her to them, I'm sure they'd love to have some fun with her." My eyes widened with horror when I understood what she was saying.
Rogues took what they wanted when they wanted it. It didn't matter if the girl, as it almost always was, was already mated or unwilling. I tried to struggle, but couldn't in my weakened state. Marie and Aria grabbed my arms while Katya grabbed my legs. Sarah shoved a towel in my mouth as a makeshift gag. They dragged me out the door and to the back of the pack house. My wolf whimpered, to small to be of much help. They dragged me across the grounds, avoiding all the guards and border patrol. We came to a clearing and I was dropped to the ground. I flinched at the pain in my ribs as they hit the rocks and sticks. Katy bent down and I tried to scoot back. My back hit something and I realized I was trapped against a tree.
Katya quickly tied my hands and feet with a couple of scarves they'd grabbed on the way out. Helpless tears flowed down my cheeks, but the three didn't care. These girls were Sarah's henchwomen , always doing her dirty work. "Well well well. What have we here?" A shaggy man walked into the clearing a few minutes later. His whole aura screamed rogue, if it wasn't obvious from his tattered clothes and disgusting smile. "An offering. You get off our land, and you can have her for free. I suggest you get of here quickly." He smiled and walked over to me. He bent down and lifted my face. "Mmm. Pretty thing. I accept." He stood up and pulled me with him, throwing me over his shoulder. The girls smiled and turned around as the man turned towards the woods. Three gasps were heard, before a menacing growl shook the ground. "Put her down."

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