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Steve's Point of View

I mounted my motorcycle and sped to the main office. I had been called to an urgent meeting and I have to say, I haven't heard such haste coming from the assistant in ages. Things had calmed down. It looked like the things that were around us and in our control were going well and no tragic situations were coming our way.

 I arrived about ten minutes later, entered my entry code for the car park under the building and quickly started making my way up. My mind pondered over various situations and thoughts flew everywhere about what the problem could be. At the same time, I was quite excited. I hadn't had a challenging mission in quite a couple of years now.

As soon as I walked into the lobby I was welcomed by the warmth and chatter as various persons attended to their work. The marble floors were spotless and the sun shown through the glass walls. A security guard was waiting for me and he motioned for me to follow him to where the meeting was going to be held. He ushered me into the elevator and in no time we were on the 31st floor. I opened the door and walked into one of the many board rooms found in this building.

I stopped at the door before walking in. Alarm bells went off in my head. The table was full. The table was never full.

"Good morning," I said, emotionless while nodding to everyone sat in the room.

"Steven, take a seat," the lieutenant taking place the superior leader, said. I nodded and without a word, I took my seat at the head of the table, setting my shield on the floor. Although I wasn't wearing my uniform, I always keep my shield with me. It's a part of the past that I can't live without. I lifted my glance and eyed everyone expectantly, indicating to them that they can start. My heart was beating slightly faster as I braced myself for what I would be hearing.

The lieutenant arranged the papers in front of him and looked at everyone at the table, sighing, before starting.

"Summarising everything, we have been dealing with protecting the family of Mr. Thompson. He has an unbelievable amount of debt that can be a threat to everyone around him. His divorce with his wife accumulated even more debt. Now I'm not saying we are going to help him. Mr. Thompson has a daughter, which is what we will all be talking about. She will be starting Harvard University soon. Recently though, she has had encounters with people threatening her life, she almost got sexually assaulted last night. His daughter shouldn't be part of this, but we cannot stop the gangs hunting her down."

Okay. This is bad, but I was expecting much worse.

The lieutenant looked at me next, actually, the whole table did, but I kept my stare and nodded at him to continue.

"There's another thing that we have to be careful of. See, this girl thinks that this is just nothing, that it was just a coincidence. For us, it makes things easier, as we do not need to tell her of what is actually going on. We will be working discreetly but at some point, as her father wishes, we will have to tell her."

"Steve, this is where you come in. This is not a mission of killing, it's not a mission of war, and it's not a challenge of one night. You, have to start attending Harvard University, so you can protect her. It has been already arranged that you will share a room with her, as it is allowed. You have to become one of them. This girl needs immediate protection, she is in great danger, and you are the one that we can trust. So, are you in?" he said.

All the faces again looked towards me.

I was definitely in for it. I was enthralled by this girl's story and I wanted to see how everything will unfold eventually. The only stressful part was that I would be in charge of that, but I was interested. Not only was I very bored with life right now, nothing to do, no missions, everyone that I know dead; but it's also something that I will enjoy doing morally. Helping people was something that I've loved doing since I was young. The way that my life was unfolded also let me do an action that I got such happiness from.

I also seem to be having some post traumatic stress flashbacks from the war, so a different environment and different people to live around will definitely do well for me.

 "So, when do I start?"

this is fiction, it's my idea. steve isn't part of s.h.i.e.l.d anymore. i don't think you have to see the movies to understand this fanfiction. the name of the fanfic, as you have seen in the description, is for both his shield, and for protecting her, he is her shield. votes and comments greatly apreciated. 

im not sure if im going to keep this here, so comment if you want to keep reading x

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