Secret Admirer Pt. 2

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They kept the notes going, each progressively starting to include hints. She enjoyed seeing his joyful expression after reading each note. Every time she dropped one in, they thought no one had been watching.

"Dude, check it out I got another note," He exclaimed to his best friend.

"What does it say?" His friend asked.

"'Roses are red,
violets are not flipping blue,
but either way,
I like you.'"

"Sweet, any name on the bottom?"

"No, they always sign it: 'Your Secret Admirer'. And have just started to add these two--what I assume are letters? It looks like an 'S' and a 'C' to me."

"Are you sure? Looks more like a '5' and a 'C' to me." Bradley looked at him weird.

"How does '5C' make more sense than 'SC'?"

He shrugged, "I thought I saw these two girls come by your locker this morning. They kept looking around as if they didnt want anyone looking at what they were doing."

"Weird. No way one of them could be my secret admirer, right?"


"Did either of them look like someone we know?"

"No clue, couldn't get a good look at them before the bell rang. One was a blonde and the other a brunette though, if that helps."

"Blonde or brunette, SC.." He thought for a while. The first person to come to his mind was Sabrina, he's had a thing for her for a while. But he just couldn't believe it would be her who'd send him this, as she had other guy friends as well. He also didnt know her last name, so that didn't help.

Meanwhile Sabrina was freaking out as they watched the two talk. "What if he knows its me? Shoot, Im not ready today!" She whisper-shouted to Rowan.

"Calm down, I bet its nothing. But..."

"But?" Rowan stayed silent, "But what, Row?" More silence followed, "Rowan?"

"Someone might've seen us this morning."

"What! Who? How?"

"I don't know, I just thought I saw a figure from my peripheral vision. But they were gone once the bell rang."

"Oh shoot! Tomorrows the day of the dance. What if they tell him? You know I'm terrible at confrontation."

"Chill, seriously its fine. If anything happens, I'll step in and help." Sabrina nodded in gratitude, "Plus, it'd be cute if he found out. If he does, he might ask you to the dance."

"Or he might avoid me forever."

"Stop being a Negative Nancy. Lets just wait it out, and see how this all unfolds."

· · · · ·

The next morning, the two became more cautious. Rowan stood a couple feet away so she could patrol a larger area. Sabrina quickly tucked the note into his locker, then rushed off to class with Rowan.

He got to his locker a little late today but managed to stash the small envelope into his backpack before shutting the door and securing it with the lock. Bradley made his way to his first class of the day with ease, and took a seat in the second row. Curious, he slid the note out of his bag and opened up the envelope. From the row behind him, Sabrina worriedly anticipated the reveal.

I heard your friend saw me yesterday. But thats okay, all will be revealed at the dance tonight, love.

-Your Secret Admirer

His lips curled into a grin as he folded it and placed it back into his bag. All will be revealed tonight. His head turned to the clock, 9:00am. The dance was still 8 hours away.

· · · · ·

5:15pm sharp. He leaned against the wall, waiting for the girl who had left him all the notes. The music blasted, the crowds partying, but his only focus was on when she'd finally tell him. But he had no idea who to look at, who had written him those sweet words? Who had made him smile every morning? Who was she?

Her breath steadied as she mentally prepared herself to tell him. Calm down, Sab. After drawing one more deep breath and checking the time, 5:30pm, she started walking across the room towards him.

"H-hey," She stuttered, mentally slapping herself.

"Hi," He replied, on edge since he had taken a liking to her for a while.

"How do I say this.."

"Say what?"

"Bradley..I'm your secret admirer." She watched his confused expression soften into an ecstatic one. His grin widened.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that."


"Because..I like you too." She beamed and wrapped her arms around him. He chuckled as he lifted her up and spun her around. Setting her down, he spoke softly, "S.C."

"Indeed, B.S.P."

"My love. From, your secret admirer." She laughed. He held out his hand, she placed hers in his, and as if right on cue, a slow song came on. "Shall we?"

"We shall."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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