Welcome Home

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The blonde woke up to the intercom stating they had just landed. She yawned and took off her headphones, before unbuckling her seatbelt. She turned and shook her sister's shoulder, "Sar, time to wake up," She told her. Light snores continued, "Sarah, Peyton's here." Her sisters eyes immediately opened and searched around. She groaned once realizing it was a trick. Sabrina laughed.

"I hate you," She mumbled.

"Love you too sis. Now get up, we've landed." The blonde stood up and opened the overhead when she reached the aisle. She took out her's and Sarah's backpacks while her brunette sister made her way over.

"Thanks." She rubbed her eyes then took the backpack handed to her.

"No problem." They followed the people in front of them off the plane, then started for the baggage claim.

"The jetlag is bad, man." She lifted her suitcase out of the carasol.

"Agreed." After they got their luggages, they went through security, and headed to the leaving area. Little did Sabrina know, a surprise was waiting for her there.

"Im thinking taxi, you?" She asked Sarah.

"Uber," Sarah replied.

"But theres sketchy drivers sometimes."

"Eh, true."

Sabrina looked around the place, looking for any of her friends that might've come. Her eyes widened when she saw him and picked up her pace. She ran to him, and leaped into his arms, hugging him. He held her up, embracing her.

"I missed you so much Brads," She confessed, burying her head in his chest.

"Ive missed you loads too, B," He responded, kissing the top of her head. Her smile widened, he beamed.

She hopped down, "I can't believe you came!"

"Of course I came, you've been gone for 8 months. 8 long months! I wouldn't delay seeing you again for the world."

"Glad to hear that, because I feel the same way." She pecked his cheek.

"Ready to head home?" She nodded.

"How are we getting home, exactly?"

"Peyton's driving us."

"Peyton Clarke, Peyton?"

"Yep," He shifted his gaze and pointed with his hand, "The one hugging your sister over there." She turned and saw her sister laughing with her boyfriend.

"Ya think they'll stay apart long enough to drive home?"

He chuckled, "Well I certainly hope so, hes also my ride." She laughed.

The other two walked over, "Lets go," Peyton spoke, arm around Sarah.

"Great, I've been away from my own bed for 8 months. Can't wait to get to it," Sabrina answered.

"And I can't wait to start our Saturday movie date nights back up again," Bradley added, she blushed.

"Alright lovebirds, lets go home," Sarah teased, they all went outside to the car and got in. After buckling up their seatbelts, they started the drive home. Sarah tuned the radio station from the passenger seat, while Peyton drove. Bradley and Sabrina sat in the back together.

"Jetlag is really killing my buzz," Sabrina spoke, sleepily. She wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, and rested her head on his chest, he grinned and draped his arm around her.

"Rest up B, we've got at least an hour before we get home. Traffic's pretty bad at this time." He didn't get a reply, "B?" He turned to look at her and saw she had already fallen asleep. He leaned his head on hers, and closed his eyes as well.

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