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(Inspired by a post I saw on Insta, a Lost and Found Studios episode, another post I saw on Insa, and Austin North's Insta story. Oh and also the pic where Bradley and Sabrina went to In-N-Out)

As she was doing her makeup at night for some reason, her phone buzzed. A text from her boyfriend popped up onto the screen.

Brads⚾: Sup B

Brads⚾: U up for some In-N-Out?

Sabby🐱: Always, duh

Brads⚾: Lol gr8, be at ur place in 10?

Sabby🐱: kk cya then

She set down her phone afterwards and continued doing her winged eyeliner. Afterwards, she finished it off with a touch of mascara before getting changed into an outfit. When she finished, the doorbell rang. The blonde grabbed her purse before dashing down the stairs to the front door. She swung it open, revealing her boyfriend stood there, with a smile.

"Hey, you ready to go?" He asked.

She smirked and replied, "Yep," before tugging down his baseball cap.

"Thats harsh, B." He took off his cap and put it back on.

"Just how you like it." He chuckled and shrugged while she laughed. The two went over to his car parked in front of her house.

"After you, B." He held the passenger door open for her.

"Aw, such a gentleman, Perry." She climbed inside and sat down. He shut the door and jogged over to his side and got in as well.

"Why only for you, B." He closed his door and buckled his seatbelt.

"That's so sweet, Brads." He chuckled and started the engine. Soon, they were off.

She turned on the radio, and tuned it to the right station. "So, I'm thinking we do drive thru," He spoke.

"Sounds good, but why not just go inside?" Sabrina wondered aloud.

"Um..No reason." He had a movie downloaded on his tablet for them to watch while they ate and wanted it to be a surprise.

"Okay.." She was a bit skeptical, but trusted him.

Once they arrived at the drive thru, he set his hand on the arm rest. She intertwined their hands, he grinned. He ordered for them. "Can I get 1 medium strawberry milkshake, 1 medium chocolate milkshake, 2 burgers and a large fries?"

"Coming right up," They replied, "Please proceed to the next window to pay."

"Thanks." He drove over to the next station and paid for the meal. All that's left was receive it. And afterwards he parked in the parking lot.

"So why did you want to do take out?" She asked. He raised an eyebrow, "I know you were bluffing last time."

He handed her her milkshake, and took out his tablet. "Because I wanted to do a movie drive thru, In-N-Out style."

She smiled, "What movie did you have planned?"

"High School Musical?"

"Amazing choice!" He laughed. They moved to the backseat and set down their food. He wrapped an arm around her as she snuggled with him. They started up the movie and began eating.
"I miss nights like these, when we can have a cozy date night. Just the two of us, alone."

"Me too." He pecked the top of her head, her cheeks flushed pink as she smiled.

"Hey, do you wanna post something on Insta?"

"Sure." The two put on their paper In-N-Out hats and pulled up the IG app on their phones.

He held his phone in front of them and hit record. She picked up a fry and they both bit a side, Lady and the Tramp style. By the second bite, their lips met in the middle. They both smiled through it.
They laughed while watching the video, he captioned it: Love ya @sabrinacarpenter, and posted it on his story.

She smiled and filmed a video too. She pointed it at the tablet where High School Musical was being played then switched the camera to them. He pecked her cheek, she beamed.
She captioned it: Love ya too @Bradley_s_perry12, then posted it on her story too.

Immediately, their dms were getting spammed with texts such as: "BRABRINA OMG", "OTP OTP OTP", and her personal favourite: "Lmao are your hats backwards? Still ADORABLE tho! #BRABRINA" They burst into laughter and spun their hats around.

"I love tonight," She told him, looking into his eyes.

He gazed into hers, "I do too, but I love you so much more."

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