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I was withdrawing myself from interactions with Scott and Leah. Yet, neither of them seemed too bothered. Atticus stayed with me which was surprising. I didn't think he was the type to do such a thing but I guess that I judged him too soon. He didn't pressure me to tell him what was going on but let me choose when I told him.

Atticus and I were sitting outside for study hall, staring up at the clouds. This was often what we did. Sometimes we would talk and others we were silent. I pulled out my phone and opened the recording. I handed it to Atticus without an explanation.

"What is this?" Atticus questioned

"Just listen to it." I mumbled

"She's gotten annoying at this point to them, according to Scott at least. Scott was complaining about Jesy to me yesterday."

"Leah said that she was really cocky now that she's getting those letters."

"Acting as if it's the best thing to ever happen to that group and that she's better since it's happening specifically to her."

"Leah said that the both of them just act excited for her because they don't want her to know that their friendship is falling apart."

"Scott feels as if Jesy doesn't realize what she's doing but it's really just her true colors coming out slowly."

The recording stopped there because I was too upset to stay there anymore. The two people who were supposed to be my best friends were refusing to tell me what was wrong but would rant to other people. I thought we were open about this kind of stuff. We always said if we were annoyed.

"They don't deserve to be your friends if they won't talk things out with you and rather be fake about it." Atticus frowned

"Still hurts, y'know? I've been friends with Leah since we were babies and Scott since sixth grade." I sighed

"They'll get over it but by then, you'll be over them. You'll have better friends than them. You already have me so you have a good start. I'm the best friend anyone could ever ask for!" Atticus smiled

I laughed at him. Of course he had to let that comment slip.

Yours TrulyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя