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I groaned, feeling the bright sunlight hit my eyelids. I turned to face the other way, pulling my comforter up higher. But, I continued to groan and whine as my blanket was ripped away from me.

"Why are you so cruel?" I complained

"C'mon, we're going to the beach." Leah informed

I pulled myself out of bed just as Leah closed the door behind her. I tossed a pair of shorts and a tank top on my bed before searching for a bathing suit. I quickly changed into the teal bikini and slipped on the clothes overtop. Slipping on a pair of sandals, I ran down the stairs. Calling out a goodbye to my parents, I left the house.

Leah and Scott were waiting for my in Leah's jeep. I hopped into the back seat and Leah drove off. Scott plugged in his phone and blasted Maroon 5. The three of us sang along with Adam Levine the entire ride to the beach.

It was early enough that we'd be some of the only people there since church has yet to let out. I quickly discarded the shorts and tank as well as my shoes before running into the sand. I kept running until the cold water hit my toes. I shrieked at the temperature as I stopped abruptly. Leah was soon to join me at my spot at the edge of the water.

Scott, unlike us, barreled right into the water. He shook his head out like a dog when he popped his head out before smiling at us

"C'mon, it warms up really quickly." Scott coaxed

Groaning, I walked in until I was waist deep in the water. Eventually, the three of us were swimming and splashing each other. We'd often pick a day to go somewhere over the weekend. They were required best friend days. I loved these days more than any other.

Yours TrulyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant