Chapter 1

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Clarke"s POV:
Me along with 97 other teenager has been down on this earth for twentyseven days now and we are trying to survive everyday. So far everything is going pretty good. Me and Bellamy Blake are running this camp together. And lets just say that somedays are easier and somedays are not.

As I was walking with Octavia Blake, Atom, Miller and Monty through the woods looking for food that we could get and kill, I was talking to Octavia. She is one of the few people that I actually can be around without getting annoyed. I can also be around Miller, Atom and Monty without getting annoyed. It just feels like everyone else down here are so fake. And I really dislike fake people. I do not think that they are worth your time.
Except for one person. Octavia"s older brother. Bellamy Blake. There was something different about him. Sure, I can not stand him at time. But there is just something really intresting about him, and I want to find out why he is like he is.

-Clarke, I can tell that you have a question. So just ask. Octavia said.
-Okay, so I usually do this thing there I am trying to figure out why people are like they are. And I can not figure out why your brother is so, how should I say this? Why does he hates me? I asked Octavia.
-That one is simple. He can get laid by any girl in this camp except for you. Miller said.
-Miller! Octavia burst out laughing.
-The short story is that Bellamy had a hard time growing up since he and mum were trying to keep me safe and not to let anyone find out I excisted. He has build up this anger inside of him. It is like he has four walls around him. No one is able to take them down. But you are not like those girls. You are independed, stubborn, you do not need a guy in your life to survive. Octavia explained.
When we got back to camp serveal hours later Bellamy was the first one to help us with everything we hunted down today. I was really proud of my work. When I first arrived I did not know much about this world. But things is getting easier day by day. And I hope it stays that way. As Monty, Miller, Atom and Octavia walked away there were only Bellamy and I left by the gate that we and the rest of our people had build.
-You are not allowed to fall in love with me Blake. I said before I walked away. I really want to figure out who the real Bellamy Blake is and it is pretty hard then he has build up walls around him. My mission is to make sure than everyone in this camp survives. But another one is to break down his walls.

Bellamyś POV:
What the hell was that? You are not allowed to fall in love with me Blake? Why would she was that? That is just weird. What makes her so sure that I actually would fall for her? Ugh, I have to find Octavia. Actually it was not so hard to find her.
-O, I need to talk to you. Like right now. I need a girls advice. I said.
-OMG, I have been waiting for this day to come when you need advice from me. She said happily.

-So I was talking to Clarke. Well, not actually talking. She said You are not allowed to fall in love with me Blake. And then se just walked away. Like what the actually hell? I said.
-This is not really an advice. Just more what it means. She wants to get to know the real you. As we all know, she gets what she wants. And it is not very easy to get to know the real you since you have build up all these walls around you. But you should be happy about this. It just means that she is not looking for what every other whores here wants from you which is just some random one night stand. And I know this because she is my best friend after all. Octavia said.
-But I am not going to let her in. I said all confident.
-Oh dear big brother. She is going to break you one way or another. She is Clarke Griffin after all if you remember. And please, you are more than welcome to get more advice from me. Miller is good at advice to just so you know. Octavia said and walked away. What the actually hell? From now on women are confusing as hell. I do not have time to think about this right now.

Octavia"s POV:
My brother is the best. And so are my best friend Clarke. I do not know why they are not together. Would they not look like best power couple ever? At least Miller, Monty, Atom and I think so. Not the whores around here. I mean some girls are nice and all. But they are also naive and whores. There is nothing more to say about that. I walked around in the camp trying to find Miller. A few minutes later I found him on the third level in the dropship.

-What is up O? He asked.
-As usually. Hating all the bitches. Trying to keep my brother sane so that he will not go insane. I told Miller.

-So just like any other day?
-Precisely. I said. I was a little jumpy.

-O, you are all jumpy. What is the latest gossip? Miller asked.
-This is not gossip. But Clarke has decided to break Bell"s shell. You know what I mean. All he cares about is himself and to keep me protected. But she wants to find out who he really is and I am going to love seeing all of it. I said.
-Do you think Clarke will succed? Miller asked me.
-Yeah, she will. Why would she not succed? I mean, she is Clarke Griffin after all. She always gets what she wants. So who says she can not succed with this? And in the end they will realize their feelings for one another. Trust me, Bellarke is going to happen! I said.

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