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"Okay! People! Let's bring it in!" Jonah yelled.

Everyone on the field gathered towards him, huddling up.

Cyrus. Well Cyrus was not. In fact, he was throwing up in the boy's bathroom, trying not to let his guts fall out too.

There's no way I can be on the team! I've never even thrown a Frisbee before! Up until the day we met Jonah, I didn't know what a Frisbee was! Cyrus thought.

Cyrus stood up looking himself in the mirror. Aw, he looked terrible. Even his hair! His beautiful hair! His breathe probably smelled like cafeteria food from all that puking. Luckily, he had his lucky toothbrush!

After brushing the vomit smell out of his breathe, Cyrus readied himself. He put on his jersey.

Wow. I look like part of the team. But I'm gonna miss my vest though.

"So today we have a new member who wants to join the team. Welcome...Cyrus!" Jonah announced.

Cyrus was nowhere to be seen. "Cyrus!"




Jonah didn't understand. He thought Cyrus liked Frisbee. Why would he bail?

Jonah felt saddened. He tried convincing himself that it wasn't a big deal. But to him, it was.

"Okay dudes, take a break, I guess." Jonah had that dumb look of sadness on his face.

All of a sudden he felt a need to go to the bathroom. He didn't have to go but it was like an odd pulling to get him to go.

Cyrus felt good in his jersey. Like a little too good. It was like a gift from the Universe presented by Jonah. It felt better than the matching jackets he and Jonah had.

Oh yeah. The jackets.

Cyrus recapped what Jonah said in his head. Wouldn't wanna look like a couple of dorks.

"Oh yeah. What was I thinking. Jonah's too cool to be associated with me. We'd just be...a couple of dorks." Cyrus said.

Oh don't cry now, Cyrus. Don't cry!

Cyrus then felt an odd need to leave the bathroom.

Just as he opened the door, someone did too. Can you guess who it was?


When the door opened, it smacked Cyrus in the face, sending him backwards.

"Cyrus! Cy-guy! You alright, man?" Jonah asked, running to a flustered Cyrus.

He grabbed Cyrus by his chin lifting it upward.

And then he kissed him.

Just kidding.

No, but he might as well of. Any contact made with Jonah felt like a kiss and a million more to Cyrus.

"Cyrus! You alright, buddy?" Jonah continued to ask.

"I'm okay." Cyrus said, lifting up. He took a quick glance at Jonah and then the nervousness returned.

"Hey Jonah. Sup brah. How's it laying?" Cyrus said awkwardly reaching out his hand for a fist bump.

{Jyrus}//D I F F E R E N T// Andi Mack FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora