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"Soooo...." Buffy asked.

"Sooo, what?" Cyrus questioned.

"So did you tell Andi, yet?" Buffy reminded.

No way, no how not ever was Cyrus telling Andi that he liked Jonah. Jonah was hers now. Kinda? They weren't official but they were official. Does that make sense?

"I thought we agreed we weren't gonna tell her?" Cyrus reminded as well.

They were walking to school together without Andi for once. Andi decided to take her bike because she was staying at Celia's. Which left plenty of awkward conversation time between the two of them.

"I didn't agree to anything. Cyrus, it's gonna eat you inside out if you don't say anything." Buffy stated, staring daggers at him.

"Oh yeah, I'll just go up and say 'hey Andi! You know that boy you've been crushing on for like the beginning of the Universe? Yeah well I like him too and i'm..." Cyrus paused. He didn't wanna say it. He couldn't. Not yet. "different." He said instead.

He could feel Buffy's anger growing and in a matter of time, she would hit him.


"Don't hit me! Don't hit me! I just lotioned my skin, I can have it bruised!" Cyrus panicked, holding up his hands in defense.

Buffy smiled. "Cy, no. I'm not gonna hit you, dork."

Cyrus relaxed. "That's a relief cause I just did my hair and if it moves a certain way it'll fall all out. And my mom just bought me this shampoo and it smells like peaches, and I don't really like but--"

"What I was saying was.." Buffy interrupted. "that you should tell her! She's your best friend. She'd never judge you for being..."

Cyrus stared at her.

Buffy sighed. He had to hear it or say it one day. "different." Buffy mocked.

"Definitely cause boys are supposed to like other boys." He said sarcastically.

"Cyrus I'm being serious." She stopped walking and looked at him. "Don't forget what I told you."

Cyrus quoted it in his head. You're no different.

"What other word am I supposed to use besides different?" He asked.

"How bout a word that begins with a 'G'. That rhymes with way... That sounds like ga..."

"Buffy, stop." Cyrus stopped her. He wasn't ready to be called that. Not yet. He wasn't sure if it was even right. He still liked Iris. She was just to much like him. It was cute at first, but it quickly got tiring.

Buffy's eyes softened. "Okay. I won't pressure you."

"It's just that I don't even know Jonah. He's not even my type, if I had one, and he's way out of my league. And...he doesn't even like boys. He's not different like that." Cyrus explained.

"Cyrus..." Buffy said, wrapping an arm around him. "Anyone who doesn't like you doesn't deserve you." She assured her nervous friend.

Cyrus smiled.

"Besides, anyone who says 'docious mongocious' is very different." She joked.

And they both laughed, heading off to school.


This was the hard part.

Cyrus had been avoiding Jonah and attempting to have a Jonah-free life like Andi. It wasn't working.

Cyrus didn't have classes with Jonah, and could maneuver his way around school without having to spot the glory that is Jonah Beck. But this was typically it. Jonah would come out of the front doors and boom, instant freakout.

Not sure if you've noticed but Jonah does this little thing where he'll have a quick conversation with someone, spot someone like Buffy, Andi and Cyrus and then walk over to them.

And not sure if you've noticed, but Cyrus gets nervous.

And just as expected, there he was. Talking to an unnamed sixth grader. Then he saw Cyrus, smiled, waved and cue Jonah.

Just like Andi, Cyrus tended to freak out when he saw Jonah. He would ramble and say things a normal person wouldn't say. So much to the point, Jonah probably thinks it's just how Cyrus is.

He'd be right.

Cyrus tried to collect his thought and think of anything, ANYTHING than what was happening. He tried to act like he was putting books in his locker and ended up dropping them all. Then he kept frantically trying to pick them up, shoving them in. But one after another would fall. Then he would try to fix his clothes and ended up crazily running them and flinging them all over himself.

He tried to pretend he didn't see him but it was too late. The Jonah had spotted him. It was approaching closer, smiling. The Jonah was walking rather slow? Like slow motion? Nevermind, he was coming! Then he was thinking of things to say and random words came out.

"Uh--uh. Peaches! Uh--baby taters! Uh Ultimate Frisbee! UH---uh Universe if you're listening! Help me!!!" Cyrus begged. He was sweating. Bad.


"AHHHHH!!!" Cyrus screamed.

Everyone turned around. Cyrus' heart was beating, loud. At least he knew he was alive. If anyone would of told him that he was, he wouldn't believe them.

"H-Hey, Jonah." Cyrus awkwardly put his hands on his hips.

"Hey, Cy!" Jonah smiled. Classic Jonah, completely and utterly oblivious to everything happening around him. Sometimes that made Cyrus think he was stupid.

"Jonah! My man! My Frisbee man! My, uh, friend who is a guy. Who uh, is not a girl..." Cyrus rambled.

"Yeah?" Jonah nodded, confused. "Hey, dude. Do you like your jersey?"

"Jersey? My Jersey! Right! Yeah. Pssh.. Totally. I totally remember the time you gave me it not just the moment you hugged me. Heh heh. Heh..." Cyrus never wanted to die more than that moment right there.

"Yeah, man. So with Andi gone, you can be a real team member. Stop by at practice and we can watch you play." Jonah said.

"Play. As in me. Go out. And do physical activities?"

Jonah laughed. "You're hilarious man!"

"Yeah. I was joking. But just to clarify you're referring to me. As in Cyrus Goodman?" Cyrus asked.

"Yeah. Cause you're a good man! Get it?" Jonah joked.

Cyrus laughed. And then they both did. And then Jonah looked him in his eyes and smiled. It was the weirdest, most wonderful thing he ever felt.

"Anyway, see you later man." Jonah grabbed his hand. A thousand jolts of electricity zapped through Cyrus. At least that's what it felt like. He was so stunned he couldn't move. Jonah's hand were the softest thing since Cyrus' hair. And it was soft.

Jonah just smiled. "You're gonna do great dude." And then he left.

Just as fast as he was there, he was one.

And now Cyrus was gonna be part of the Frisbee team. He gets a hand sprain just looking at the disk for Pete's sake. Whoever Pete is.

Nowone in the world made him more miserable than Jonah Beck.

Wow, I hope that was good, my arms hurt now.

{Jyrus}//D I F F E R E N T// Andi Mack FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now