"So how are your scratches going?" Nick asked. I looked down at my arms and legs. 

"Good. I mean--yeah good. They're gone." I told him. 

"That's good." He nodded his head to him self.  I smiled and Zak reached for my hand. I gladly took it and held it tight. 

"So what's the plan for today?" Aaron asked grumpily.

"I'm not sure. Right now, the main priorety is to get you to Starbucks." I informed him. Both Nick and Zak laughed a little.  

When we found the south entrance and located the Starbucks. All of us filed into the empty Starbucks. Not a single person was there. Except the employees. Nick, Zak and I sat down at a table, while Aaron went up and ordered his drink. I put my feet up on the window ledge and leaned against Zak. I was still tired and it was early. I hadn't even checked the time. So I pulled out my phone and checked the time. 6:00!!! AM!!! Ughh. No wonder I was so tired. i leaned my head back and looked up at Zak, who was nodding off himself. I glanced across at Nick who was also tired. His head was up against the store window. He stared out at the empty main court. All of us were tired. I forced myself to keep my eyes open. I listened as Aaron ordered is drink and the noises of the machine as it stirred the coffee around. I could barely hear the noise of the cars outside. 

"Aaron! Your drink is up!" The employee yelled. Nick, Zak and I jumped when the barrista yelled.

"Kay, Thanks." we heard Aaron take the cup and walk over to us. "Why are you guys all asleep?" Aaron asked. He sounded in a better mood. I never knew that coffee could work that quickly. 

"Because, Zak and I woke up at 6. I'm not sure how long Nick or you have been up..." I sighed and wanted to go back to sleep.

"Oh. That's not good then. Looks like you would never be able to handle a lockdown." Aaron sighed.

"What?" I asked. i was highly confused. "I mean i know we are doing a lockdown on my house. But...it wasn't going to be hardcore like you guys do." I said. I knew that after this week, they would leave and go back to wherever they would be needed.

"Has Zak not told you about your birthday surprise?" Nick was now awake and looked at me.

"What? No?" I looked at Zak and he looked guilty.

"I forgot. We were caught up in something else." He said.

"What are you guys talking about?!" I asked, totally confused now.

"Well, we were thinking about, once we leave, we could bring you with us and go on a couple lockdowns with us. But you have ot be up early. It looks like you can't do it though." Aaron sighed again and smirked.

"What!? What?!?! Yes I want to come with you! Oh my god! Yes! Please!" i sat up and begged them.

"Do you think that we wouldn't? of course!" Aaron smiled. I was so happy and giddy, that my thinking was fuzzed. I embraced Zak and he replied to the hug by kissing me. It was short, but still ever so sweet. 

"Woah! What's going on?" Nick, even though quiet, exclaimed from his sleep. Aaron also looked confused.  I had forgot that Nick and Aaron did not know about the current event that had happened this morning. 

"Can I tell them?" I pleaded to Zak. He smiled, and I could see his small gap in his teeth. 

"Yeah go ahead." He chuckled. 

"Okay, so get this! Zak asked me to be his boyfriend." I told them.

"That was short...coming from you, I thought that you would give us a long, detailed story." Aaron commented.

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