My Harry Potter Experiences

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I do not remember reading Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone for the first time. Nor do I remember watching the movie. It was just so long ago I don't remember. I know that I first read it when I was six. It's one of those books that I remember the entire book but I just don't remember reading them.

The same goes for Chamber of Secrets. I do however remember watching the movie and loving it.

Again I don't remember reading Prisoner of Azkaban but it was my favourite in the series and still is to this day. I was sick one day and stayed home from school and my parents got me the PoA movie to make me feel better. I was sat on the lounge, wrapped in a blanket and watched it all by myself. I felt so grown up (my parents usually would watch HP movies with me and make sure it wasn't too scary for a younger me.) Werewolf Lupin scared the absolute shit out of me! Werewolves have always scared me (After watching The Wolfman I never went outside during a fullmoon for at least a year)

Goblet of Fire, however, I do remember reading. To this day, I still remember reading that haunting first chapter of Frank Bryce. I adored the idea of the Triwizard Tournament and I loved hearing about the other Wizarding schools. I was always so confused about why, in the movies, they depicted Beaubaxtons as an all girls school and Durmstrangs as an all boys, but hey, what are you gonna do? 

I can't reread the Order of the Pheonix. Well I can until I get to the battle at the Ministry but I always have to stop before I get to Sirius's death. Out of all the deaths in Harry Potter, his is the one I cannot stand to read.

The Half Blood Prince I also don't really remember reading. But the thing is I do remember the entire storyline. I just don't remember sitting down to read them. This goes for all the books I say I dont remember reading by the way

Now The Deathly Hallows. I remember wanting to read so badly I had to borrow it from the library because I didn't want to wait to buy it myself. I cried when I finished it. Harry Potter was over. I couldn't process it. I went to see Part One with my boyfriend (now ex) and his friend. All three of us cried when Dobby died. When I saw Part Two, I walked out at the end feeling like I was floating. Again I couldn't process that it was all over.

So tell me your stories! Are you like me and read and loved them at a young age? Or are you a newer fan? I want to know!

If anyone, anyone gives someone shit for being a newer fn or not having read all the books or such, expect a long raging comment from me. Feel free to contact me if you have problems with someone :)

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