Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

We didn’t hit anything too major on the way over. We stuck to the back roads and side roads so as to avoid any major groups of them, but it did mean going the long way round the city. Finally we arrived, and welcomed by a group of adults kitted out in full gear. When they saw our reservist uniforms, they bombarded us with all sorts of questions, and we answered as best as we could, but it was still not enough. We unloaded the remaining kids and ushered them into city hall. They started to search frantically for their families. Some found them; others weren’t so lucky. A little girl was gripping onto my hand, thumb in her mouth, eyes darting around, getting more and more wild by the second as she passed from face to face trying to find a familiar one. But she wasn’t the only one. I too was starting to panic. My mother was nowhere to be seen. I pushed her from my mind. I couldn’t think about that right now. I took a deep breath and took the girl and the others to a group that had gathered, with a few of the pre-school teacher to try and keep them entertained. I was stuck there for a little while, the girl refusing to let go of my hand. Then she let go and I moved away, moving through the ever growing crowd of people trying to find a slither of safety. The army boys had dragged Scott away for a debriefing, so I decided to try looking for people. I barely made it halfway round before I saw his mother. She waved at me, and so I ran over to her. I wasn’t expecting the hug I got, but it was still a nice feeling, nevertheless. When she finally let me go, tears were welling up in her eyes.

“Is Scott with you? Is he ok?” she sounded like she was in a lot of distress. I held her hands in mine and looked her straight in the eye.

“Mrs Lawson, Scott’s fine. They’re just debriefing him about the attack. I’m sure he’ll be out soon.” The sigh of relief from her, was so full of love and care that I suddenly felt a little envious. She squeezed my hands so hard I thought they might break.

“Stay with me Roni. Just for a bit.” She said, so quietly I almost didn’t hear her. I nodded.

“Sure thing, Mrs Lawson.” We both took a seat on a nearby fold out bed, perching on the edge of it.

“Roni, how many times must I say it? Call me Sarah.” I smiled but didn’t feel like talking. Not really.

“Have you seen my mother?” I asked. She gave me a sympathetic look.

“I’m sorry dear. I haven’t.” I felt my heart sink. A sick feeling started growing inside me. I took in a deep breath. My mind was filling up with images. I saw her spread out on the diner floor, Zombies feasting on her flesh. I saw her silent screams. And I watched her turn. I slammed my eyes shut to block out the images, but it didn’t help at all. Mrs Lawson started rubbing my shoulder, making me feel worse. I sniffed loudly, bringing myself together mentally and opened my eyes. Mrs Lawson gasped a little as Scott’s hat popped up in the mess of people. He pushed his way towards us, and his mother wrapped her arms around him. They held each other as tight as they could. I didn’t say anything, I didn’t move. I just felt a sudden feeling of pining for my own mother. My mother. My inspiration, my whole world… the only one who understood me (I should add in my family, because Scott gets me pretty well).

“Well finally!” can a squeaky voice from behind me. I groaned quietly to myself. Sindy stomped forward, not dressed in any kind of fighting gear (surprise, surprise) and hugged Scott, pushing his mother out the way. Scott was in too much shock to hug her back. He gently pushed her off him.

“Sindy, why aren’t you dressed?” Scott asked. She gave him a disappointed look.

“Oh Scott, don’t you know me well enough to know that I would never be caught dead in public in… that.” She pointed with her perfectly kept nails that probably cost her more than what my mother earned in a month (I think I should mention that Sindy is from the only good part of town).

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