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"Oh by the way my name is Jeon jungkook but, you can call me jungkook and what's your name?" Jungkook said.
"Nice to meet you jungkook my name is rose." I said and smiled. "HEY! Jungkook is She awake now?!?" A guy yelled from downstairs. He looked at me and said "yeah! She's awake now!" He yelled back too. "Let's go downstairs." Jungkook said, I nodded and followed him downstairs. Till halfway through the stairs I started to have an anxiety attack, jungkook looked at me and hold my hand and said "it's okay, breathe in and out." I did what he told me to and I was back to normal from my anxiety attack. "It's okay, they won't do anything." He smiled at me. So I smiled and started walking downstairs and walked to the living room. Everyone looked and started smiling which made me smile too. "Hi Rose!" Yoongi said. I looked at him and said "hello Yoongi!" I said and smiled. "You guys already know each other?" A guy said. "Yeah we have math together in the morning." Yoongi said. "I forgot to introduce myself my name is~" he got cut off by someone "hello beautiful, my name is park jimin" he said smiling."Hi jimin you probably know my name." I said smiling as well. "As I was saying my name is Kim Namjoon." He said smiling. "Hi!" I said. "Hi! My name is Kim SeokJin and to my right is Jung Hoseok, And my left is Kim taehyung." Jin said. "Oh shit too many people around m~" I fell to someone's arm and fainted.
•Taehyung POV•
I was about to say hello till she said "oh shit to many people around m~" And fainted lucky I was close by her and caught her into my arms. "I think we should take her into the hospital she's been doing this three times already." I said. "She has anxiety attacks I wonder if she fainted at the airport?" Jungkook said. "That's right we saw her at the airport and her dad is our boss." I said. "Should we call him and say she fainted?" Said Kim namjoon. "Would if he gets the wrong idea because she's the only girl." I said. "What do we do then?" Said everyone. "I will put her in my room." I said. Lifting her up to go upstairs. After I tucked her in, I saw her crying. And said "stop mom, please don't hurt me." I sat down and woke her up "Rose? Are you okay?" I said quite. "Y-yeah I just had a bad dream." She said. "Did something happened before you moved here to Seoul?" I Said, she looked shocked and looked away. Then She suddenly said "y-yeah." "Does your dad know?" I said. "no, I don't want him to know." She said. "Why?" "If I tell him she said she will kill him knowing I only care for him." She said. I was so shocked what she said. "I have anxiety attacks because she brings her group to watch me get beaten by her while people are cheering her on, just so you know why I have anxiety attacks around a big group of people." She I hugged her while she cried into my chest and I cried with her hearing about her getting beaten.
How do you like this so far?!? Anyways it's late I better get some sleep bye!!

The wall between us.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt