Chapter 28

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It was dark in the building. I could see the reception on my right side, the sitting area on the left and stairs on both sides. There was a staircase in between other two, but this one leads down. That is going to be the way. While walking towards stairs I was looking out through windows hoping to see anyone. Just to feel more secure. But I guess I was walking too fast. I was about to trip and fall down those stairs.

Down there was a big dancing room. It had high walls and a huge crystal chandelier hanging down sparkling a little from the light that was coming from this floor. I couldn't see much inside the place because it was dark. I could see a couple of tables and chairs but the light was too weak to show me the way to the rest of the room.

I hear a scream without saying anything.

"Lissa?" I knew it was her with her mouth stuffed with fabric or something. I started walking down still holding my stomach and hoping all of them are fine.

Suddenly, the chandelier turns on and the whole room is in light.

"Here comes the one and only, Guardian Rosemarie Hathaway!" Robert says like a ball would be actually going on. And after that, I can hear melody of an orchestra playing. Lissa, Christian and Sonya were sitting on chairs behind him. Lissa was all dirty and her face was all wet and red from crying. Christian was beaten up and Sonya had bite marks all over her body. They had their hands and legs  tied and their mouths were shut with pieces of fabric.

"Trying to make a show? Shame... little number of people are invited." I say.

"Don't worry about that, dear. I put some cameras here and there. I want to be written in history. As the most powerful strigoi that ever lived."

"I think that you said the sentence wrong. You know that you're not actually alive, right?" And that loud and cold laugh escaped his mouth.

"Walking towards your death but still you have the same sense of humor."

"Happy to entertain you." when I think I'm close enough I stop and stare at Lissa and others. Lissa was trying to tell me something, Christian was unconscious and Sonya half awake looking down "I'm here. Now let them go."

"No... the party must go on." he says, trying to be all dramatic.

"We have a deal. Me for them."

"No. You two, for all three of them? not fair." he shakes his head giving me a creepy look with those bloody red eyes.

"Get them out, or they come in." I say meaning other guardians.

"They come in, and the battle begins." He does have other strigoi here. I hope that less than 24... "I'm happy that you brought others with you." I have a bad feeling about this...

"You know... You killed Victor in front of my eyes. And I will do the same to you." he says walking towards Lissa.


I hear footsteps behind me getting closer. Strigoi or Guardians?

Running down the stairs were dhampirs with Mark and Dimitri in the front. Every single one of them had silver stake in their hands and guns in their pockets. They looked like an army.

Dimitri's look was furious. He was running down ready to fight. But when he looked at me his look softened and I could see his relief.

But downstairs every single door had a strigoi running out to fight back. It was a massive number of dead creatures hungry for blood. I didn't have time to count but it was around 50 of them. They won't be able to kill them all. Well... it depends on how strong and old strigoi are.

I heard people yelling and screaming, stakes falling on the floor and strigois’ gasps of getting their souls free.

"Enjoy the show, seeing your loved ones die." Robert laughed.

"ROBERT!" Dimitri yelled behind him. Robert turned around and Dimitri threw a stake right in his chest. Robert screamed from pain and fell on his knees. The stake wasn't deep enough that's why Dimitri came closer and pushed the stake through Robert’s heart.

I didn't expect him to die that fast.

"Dimitri behind you!" Two strigoi were running to Dimitri, both smiling and thinking they will put him down. Ha, they don't know Dimitri.

I had my way open to save Lissa, Christian and Sonya. I ran to them and first stoped at Lissa.

"Liss. I'm so sorry." she is still trying to tell me something but all I'm doing is trying to get her legs free. "I will get you safe. You will be safe."

I got Lissa’s legs free and just finished with getting that piece of fabric off her mouth.

"Rose... run. Why did you come here? You're pregnant. RUN!" I hear her but I don't listen. I just saw that her hands are tied together with handcuffs. Shit!

It's easier to untie legs and they will be able to run that's why I ran to help Christian and Sonya. I know I should be saving Christian first but Sonya was awake. If any fight happens she will be able to run away. And I need to wake Christian up first.

"Rosemarie..." she was repeating my name.

"Come on. I know it's hard but you need to snap out of this dizziness. I need you to get sober." She was very weak.

I still have time for Christian.

"Wake up. You're strong enough. Christian don't be such a pussy in front of your fiancee and wake up!"

"Rose..." he smiles weakly, "is it over?"

"You wish. What do you think you're going to play a sleeping beauty? Your future wife needs you." he was weak too. His shirt was all messed up with dirt and blood.

"God... your hands." I say. Christian's hands were burned and all bloody around handcuffs.

"I was trying to burn somebody... but it looks like with my hands tied with metal it made more damage to me than to strigoi." he said weakly. I could hear the pain in his voice.

"Alright let's go." I try to get Christian standing. "Come on buddy. I'm pregnant and in my last month. You don't want my water break here because I will have to drag you out." he stands up and we start walking as fast as we can. I see Mark and Karolina coming closer to us in case strigoi attacks us.

"NO!" I hear a yell. I turn to see what happened.

"No..." I see the first fallen guardian.

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