Chapter 7

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Kirova started to laugh. “You teaching? Kids? This is ridiculous. What do you know about subjects on this school?”

“I know how to fight. I can be a trainer. Or a school guardian. I just need to stay here.” I said.

“Guardian Petrov!” she yelled. It was unexpected so I flinched. Alberta came in looking at the floor, ashamed. It was obvious that she was listening to the conversation outside the door.

“Yes, Headmistress Kirova?” she said when she stopped and stood on my left side.

“As you heard, Rose wants to work on this Academy.” She crossed her fingers and looked so… so Kirova. I never liked that look. “Well the thing is, that all of us know how good are you with rules and doing the things we tell you to.” She said and raised one eyebrow.

“I promise that I will listen and obey the rules.” I said. But she didn’t believe me. “I swear that I’ll do that.” I say.

“Well, if I may say, Rose is an amazing fighter. And we all know that novices on this school need to be as good as possible, because strigois are getting stronger and smarter. I think that with giving Rose a chance of teaching novices how to fight, we will save a lot of Moroi lives.” Alberta helped me. Now it looked like Kirova could change her mind about this.

“Are you sure, you are not running from any kind of law?”

“Most surely.” I say and nod.  

“Then welcome on board. Guardian Petrov is going to walk you to the offices. I’m going to inform them about you. You are going to get a room, school clothes, and a schedule of your classes. We are a little out of guardian staff. One time a week you are going to guard the property.” I felt a huge rock rolling of  my chest. Kirova stood up and so did I. “And do not… DO NOT even try to do things your way. Because if you do… you’ll regret it.” She gave me a look that scared the crap out of me. We shook our hands and I left with Alberta.

At the office, a secretary gave me everything I needed. Alberta walked me to my room to help me with my bags and then left, because it was her turn to guard the Academy.

I came in my room and looked at it. It was small but enough for me. I had a bed by the door to my bathroom, a desk by the window and also a wardrobe large enough for all my stuff.

I can't believe that my faith brought me here, again. On the Academy. A place I was running away from. But I had to do this. My hands touched my stomach again.

I had to do this for my child. I'm going to live here and my child is going to be with me on this Academy. I don't want to be like my mother. I don't want to leave my child alone...

So this is it. I'm a teacher now. God knows I never even thought about becoming something like this.

I felt sick and threw up later. I wanted to take a walk around, but I was feeling too dizzy for that. I looked at my schedule. I had classes 4 times a week. And on Wednesdays I had to guard the school during the day. I felt nervous about my first class tomorrow.

I set my alarm, take a shower and jump in my bed. I fell asleep quickly but I had nightmares all night long.

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