Chapter 18

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A mail for Rose... Should I open it? I mean... Rose can't read it anyway. Maybe it's a blackmail.

I open the letter and luckily it's not a threat mail. I find some pictures of a couple of people waving and there's a man I recognize. Theo Timberlake. This letter is personal. I can't read it. What am I talking about? Of, course I'm going to read it. There might be a proof that Rose cheated on Dimitri. But I'm sure that's not true.

Dear Rose!

How are you doing? I didn’t get a response from last letter but you're probably too busy for writing, so don't worry I'm not mad about it.

Here's the thing... I'm staying here in Ohio a little longer as I thought. My grandmother sprained her ankle and I think my family needs my help. And I have to admit I missed them very much. Luckily, I don't have any work to do at the Court that's why I'm taking a break till the end of April.

I know, it's long... But I think you understand the reasons...

I’ll send some more pictures with my family and neighbours. All of them say hi.

Miss you,


YES! I knew it! He's not the one. Dimitri is the one! How could I even doubt in that? Stupid, stupid, stupid! But no...! But he’s going to return around the time that Rose’s child will be born. Why does it always have to turn wrong when something good happens?

"Your Majesty, mister Ivashkov is asking for you." guardian at the door said. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't even hear that knocking. What does Adrian’s father need?

"Allow him in." I say. But it's not Nathan Ivashkov that wanted to talk to me. It was Adrian himself. I can't believe it. Adrian is back.

"Hello my spirit-sister." he said walking in. I couldn't help and ran to hug him.

"You look... great." I said not really knowing what to say.

"You look great too. That crown looks great on you." he says. I smile a little.

"Let's sit down. Tea?" I ask him while I was pouring some in a cup.

"No, thanks."


"You can give me some of that." We both laugh. When I gave him the glass his look stopped on my hand. "Is it just me or is that an engagement ring?"

"Yeah, but the news are not out yet."

"Congrats, Christian is one lucky fellow." he smiles.


"So, how does it feel sitting on that throne and having the whole vampire empire in your hands?" he said trying to speak in English accent.

"Exhausting, nerve wracking, difficult and it's going to last for the rest of my life." I say. I didn't like my job right now. I think there're more negative than positive things about it.

"It's not that bad. My aunt loved that job."

"Everybody loved your aunt. And I still didn't completely get used to it..." I see Adrian looking around the room.

"I thought Rose is going to be here."

"You didn't hear?"

Looks like, Adrian has no idea about what happened. I told him all about it. He kept listening and looked at me in a total surprise. When I finished he was still thinking about what I said.

"I can't believe it. She cheated on him?"

"No. What I was about to say is... A letter came from the man everyone thought Rose had an affair with. And there is no proof that would show any affection for her. Just 'I miss you'. That doesn't say anything. And that means that the child is Dimitri's."

"But how...?"

"I don't know. And it's kind of hard to figure out now with them... Oh, my manners." I remember. I can't be just talking about them. Adrian’s back!

"Tell me, what brought you back here." I ask him.

"Well, Christmas is coming and mom was being dramatic about wanting me here."

"The Court is preparing a Christmas party and I would love to see you there." I smile.

"Of, course I'll be there. When did I say no to a party?" he laughs.

Christian came in a little later and we both had a great time. Adrian talked about how he visited all the great cities in Europe like London, Paris, Munchen, Rome,...

"How could you even visit all of those places in that little time?" Christian asked.

"You know what they say... YOLO." Adrian said.

"What does that mean?" Christian asked.

"You only live once." I say before him. "I heard it from people when Rose and I ran away."

Christmas party was in the Court's ball room. The place was huge and there were all sorts of people there. It used to be only royal moroi guests before but this year, I thought that everyone on the Court can join. Royal, non-royal, guardians and all other Court staff were dancing, singing, eating, drinking and having a great time.

There was a very tall Christmas tree and flags with Dragomir family crest under every window. The snow was slowly falling and the music was warming our souls with Christmas spirit.

But there's still one thing missing. Rose. This is just another party without her. When we escaped the Academy, we used to spend our Christmas eves only in a simple dorm rooms. And it was all I needed. I didn't need the parties and any other friends. She was enough. She was always enough.

I had a red long dress that fit my royal cloak perfectly. The crown was bigger than the others I wear everyday and it was a little too heavy. But as a queen I have to make the best impression.

Christian and I were dancing and he was looking at me the whole time but I didn't notice.

"Now?" he asked.

"Now." I said. When the music stopped it was a little to midnight and it was my time to have a speech. I step up the stairs with Christian holding my hand and when I turned around, the whole room started clapping. I was a little nervous collecting all the words. With my hands I show them that they can stop.

"Thank you. It's a little before midnight, a little before Christmas day. I wish you all a blessed, happy Christmas and may this day be full of joy and rich with love." The whole room was clapping again and when the clapping mostly faded I made another move for speech. "I have another announcement to make. Me and Christian Ozera are engaged." And another round of clapping. This felt a little awkward already so I walked to Christian.

When the clock announced midnight everyone in the room was giving each other hugs and kisses.

"I love you." Christian said.

"I love you." I said back. And we kissed.

That's when I remembered there was another person in my life that gets my days better. Christian.

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