Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to My bestie Marci ❤

I woke up gasping for air. I was all sweaty and messy from the turning in the bed. I got off my bed and got ready for the day. I put myself some gym clothes and went for a run.

Outside the sky was beautiful with all those sunset colors. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Victor and his brother Robert. I didn't want to kill him. I just wanted to knock him down, to stop him from using his magic, to stop him from running away with Jill. Well that didn't happen. He died. Because he was too weak and old. And now his brother wants me dead. How did he even escape the prison? I kind of got used of the bad guys always getting through and haunting me, so...

The way Dimitri looked at me in my dreams... It hurts so much. Why can't he believe me? Why all the worst things happen to me? Why can't I have a normal dhampir life like everyone else?

Oh yeah, I know why. Because I'm Rose Hathaway, that's why.

25 minutes passed and I have to get ready for class. I have seniors today and I have to make up with the class I passed two days ago.

I have to admit they are not bad at fighting. Not bad at all. I join them in training and show them some new moves. I was just showing them a backstabbing move with a fake stake and one of the novices had a problem with it. I walked to her and showed her again. Then I helped her to do it. When suddenly, everybody in the room kneeled down on their knee and looked down to the floor.

I turned around to see what's going on and what I saw was... someone...

It was the Queen.

This day couldn't get any better. Lissa walked in with two guardians that are guarding her office and Alberta was with them. She called them. I can see it. When she saw that I looked at her she looked on the ground avoiding to see me in the eyes. That made me furious.

I kneeled with them.

"Rise." Lissa said.

Now everybody stood and stared at Lissa.

"The Queen came to visit, so show her what you can do and continue with practise." I said loudly enough so everybody could hear me.

Lissa didn't seem to find me before but now when I was heard she looked at me and her face turned all serious. She was faking the smile.

What do I do now? Should I turn and run away which is what I totally want to do, or confront her. But I have to admit I missed her. A lot.

I think I was standing there for too long, cause she decided to walk to me.

"The Academy?" she said once she was close enough to me to hear her. "You from all, you who hated it and couldn't wait to get out, you came here?"

"What do you want?" I try to be as strong as I can, but I can feel the burn in my eyes trying to push the tears away.

"I want to talk." she said.

"I have class. No time, sorry." I said looking at them training.

"Guardian Petrov can take over." She said and Alberta quickly nodded.

"It's for your best." Alberta whispered.

I guess I have no choice now. I push my papers roughly to Alberta’s chest and start walking out of the gym. Lissa and guardians quickly follow me. I just want to do this quickly. Because I don't know for how long I can take it. It's so great to see Lissa and to know she's okay.

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