"We Americans"

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     I must've said "We Americans" one too many times because Ken, who at this point was listening to me ramble as I puttered around, painting and working on my split radius and procrastinating some other things.  Ken, well, exploded.

"Yeah man Koreans are sick of we Americans being obsessed with their music but I can't help liking music videos where effort was put in.  Anyways, they're done with us white people, but here there isn't any talk about Koreans listening to our music and it being any sort of a deal, you following me?  We just don't care who listens to our music, maybe because we're America, and everyone loves the music we Americans produce-"

And Ken, I shit you not, slammed his hand down on the table; annoyance glinting in his multi-colored eyes as he glared at me, completely and entirely done with my existence. 

"I swear you live in Canada you need to realize that and get your life together America isn't this FUCKING COLD"

He yelled, and I have to describe that split second again before he lost his cool.  He was shivering.  His eye twitched imperceptibly, before he flung himself forward and slammed his palm down, I almost spilled the tray of paint I was holding from the shock.  And the silence after, where we both tried not to laugh because God it wasn't that funny.

But it really was that funny.

And we both ended up laughing hysterically at my idiotic habit of making something a "thing", and the fact that we really don't live in America and yes it is damn cold and...

It was one of the best little moments I could have asked for.

It's so easy to forget our youthful foolishness, or lose it in the tumultuous storm called Living, and it's so easy to not make this, this book, a thing.

But I want this to be a thing.  This is my, our, thing.  And I honestly couldn't care less who reads it.  Because a part of becoming what I want to become is not giving so many grand fucks about what people think of me.  So I suppose that's what this is.  A grand no fucks given, an effort towards not forgetting, and effort to something else I'm sure.  We're writing this for our own entertainment, honestly no ones going to read it, and we're going to have a hell of a lot of fun.


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