Arjun is Here

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Arjun and Akhil are staying along with Mithran in a apartment.. Now Vaibhavi and Sumi are staying together... in her house with their parents.. This all planed and done by Arjun.... He never wants to leave a single chance which leads him to his lady love...

And Ofcrse no one can say NO to him...

Days are moving so pleasantly.. Arjun is becoming a normal person again.. Mithran is started to open up.. Now they are started to talk alot.. Its a sunday.... Everyday ...Arjun's first job is to see and be with his love...

He is not at all anger .. He really wants his Sweetu back..

Mithran and Vaibavi is completely in their love  life....

Akhil is helping Arjun and Sumi also aling with them...

Arjun POV...

I dont know what or how???..

But its true.. She is Sweety.. My Sweety.. I can understand that..  But yes.  She don't remember our days..and my moments with her..  .

I just thinking that how it all happened and i really want to know all the hidden truth...

I really missed my Sweetu.. and ofcrse Shalu Anty... She is.. She is a wonderful women and a amazing mother.. who understand her every feelings without words and explaination..

Yes.. I went to see her.. Mrs.Shalini Ramachandran

My sweetu's mother...

FB .....

Arjun is walking from sumi house to Sweetu (Riya's house)...

Arjun:.. Maybe i can see her once again...

He smiled to himself..
He closed his face.. and walking towards her street... ..

After few mints.. He saw a car which is halted infront of him.. He moved to cross the car.. But he stopped at the spot itself...

Two persons came out of the car...

Shalini and Ramachandran.. That means ..  Mom and Dad of Riya....

Arjun is standing there itself.. They both got down and walked in to the supermarket... .

After few secs.. He too followed in to the super market...

He hide himself successfully...

Shalini:.. Ram.. Take that cake packet.. Riya likes that ...

Ram took it.. and looked at his wife.. who is completely a mother...

Shalini:. Why are u looking like that???..

Ram:   No no nothing ....

He smiled...

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