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Sumi POV...

Sumi:.. Riya... I can't even imagine this.. Vaibhavi and Mithran... Omg...

Riya:.. Hey... first relax.. then tell me what is the matter ah???..

Sumi shaked her by both  her shoulders...

Sumi:.. Hey... fool... Mithran ... That man.. who she showed to them is Mithran....

Arjun Akhil and Vaibhavi is listening to them....

Sumi:.. Seriously.. i never thought like this... Omg....

Riya smiled.. Arjun looked at her..

Riya:.. so happy... so Vaibu will always with us know...

Vaibu smiled.. she  too surprised to know this...

Akhil looked at them all with alot of questions...

Arjun gave the mobile to Vaibu and leaved from there...

Sumi and Riya... is talking with their exciting...

Akhil:.. Excuse me ladies...

Sumi and Riya... looked at the phone...

Vaibu is looking with little tears...

Sumi:.. Omg.. Vaibu... is it true.. that???..

Vaibu:.. So how u know Mithran???

Sumi :.. Hey... he is my brother.. He is the only elder brother i have in my family... But tell me.. ur love story...

She smiled sheepishly...

Riya too smiled...

Akhil:.. Sumi.. so .. we both are lucky to have lovely sister in laws....

He eyed Riya.. Riya can sense his words.. but she didn't react.. As he expected.. Sumi can't understand his words...

After that... they teased Vaibu..and Atlast...they cut the call...

Riya and Sumi moved to attend their classes..

Screen shifted to Arjun..

Arjun is sitting near his Dad...

Arjun:.. Appa... please first listen to me.. then i will listen to u okay...

Sekhar felt the seriousness in his voice...

But before he starts anything.. Akhil came and took Arjun out of the room with some excuses

Akhil:.. What are u Doing Aju???..

Arjun:.. Akhi... we cant hide it anymore.. He needs to know about Vaibu and me....

Akhil:.. Sure.. we need to inform ... But before that... we need to clarify with Riya and Mithran...

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