Chapter 6

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Kit's PoV

I watch as Ming hands over our luggage to the hotel staff. We had agreed we would walk to the reception, going round the resort to enjoy our last few moments of this heaven. It has been pure bliss and I glad that I could spend time with my hubby.. yes I will call him that in mind from now on.

"P'Kit lets go" he offers his hand again and I take without hesitation letting him arms settle on my shoulder. "But I wish we could stay here more' he pouts looking at our room one last time before we exit it. Pouut mode at 60%


"Kitkat don't want?" Pout mode at 85%


"Whyyy?" He pouts more giving me his best sad puppy face. Pout Mode 100% + special attack.

I turn towards him and push him against the nearest wall and catch hold of his collar to pull his lips against kiss in bruising kiss swallowing his surprised squeak. I force my tongue into his mouth let it entwine his.

We are out in the open where anyone would walk in on us but I don't care anymore... He is mine as I am his. I think I hear a squeak but I hear him moan into the kiss and smile melding my body to his as continue to kiss him senseless.

Finally I release him with a smirk watching his dazed expression as he collapses against wall his breathing labored.

"Because my dear Ming if we don't get home I cannot ask you to move in with me."

I smile at his expression turns to confusion...oh did he hear me right? I start walking off then stop to stare that at the distance, smirk before turning to him.


"Coming?" He nods vigorously running to catch up me...

Today I am the attacker and he is my prey....


Few Moments later

As we reach the reception I make my way towards the luggage while Ming goes to complete the check out formalities. Soon Beam joins me while Forth joins Ming for check out.

"Had fun Kit!" Beam starts smirking at me. "We could hear you all the way from our room."

"Is it?" I smirk back "Not as much as you Beamy dear. Didn't Mae teach not to peek at others. I hope your hubby punished you enough" I looked down at his pant with a raised eyebrow. "You might want to close that... Forth would not appreciate his wife's asset open for the world for viewing. After all his hand down there a minute ago."

Beam chokes, his hands flying to his front his only to realize that the last part was a bluff.

"Ai asshole Kitty!"

Yes I am on a roll ... The day is already looking brighter

I have a move in to plan and a husband to kiss.....

Life couldn't be any better



There short and sweet with a spicy kitty.

I hope you enjoy the story and much as I did writing it.

Would believe if I said this chapter is the one I wrote first! And the whole story came later...

Thanks for reading, your votes and your comments. Love you all❤❤❤

See you around! 😀🙋‍♀️

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