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A YOUNG ASTRID looked at the young prince of thunder. Her mother gripped her wrist tightly as they walked away from Odin's throne. The look on her father's face frightened her. She saw him dragged away by the Asgardian guards. Confused about what was happening, she didn't utter a word. Soon after, following her mother as they walked across the long Bifrost bridge. Tears running down her face, realising she was leaving behind her horse Asher.

"Hush my child. We have to leave." her mother comforted her.

"But Asher..." her voice shaky.

"I'm sorry my child. We have to leave." They reached the front of the Bifrost Bridge. Astrid looked up at the protector of the Bifrost. Heimdall was his name. His face stern, frightening Astrid.

"Please. We want to leave." Astrid's mother begged.

"Your husband is a traitor of Asgard. You are suppose to live out your days on Asgard." Heimdall spoke.

"My daughter does not deserve a life like this. Please Heimdall." she begged once again.

"Freya...very well." Heimdall agreed. He opened the portal of the Bifrost.

"Where are we going mother?" Astrid asked.

"Alfheim. The home of light elves." Heimdall answered.

"What did father do?"

"Come child. I will tell you everything soon."


ASTRID LOOKED around her surroundings in Sakaar. Hiding out on a planet ruled by the Grandmaster, she tried to not grab a lot of attention. Finding an old ship, camping out there for the remainder of her time on the planet. She needed to find a way to get off this planet.

After finding out the truth about her father betraying Odin by conspiring with the Frost Giants, Astrid left her mother behind on Alfheim and journeyed through the nine realms. Training with a sword given to her by her mother. She needed to erase her past and start afresh. The light elves supplied her with her own ship, giving her the advantage to travel. Her guilt for leaving her mother behind, haunted her every moment. She needed to be on her own. Her mother understood that when Astrid expressed her wishes. But why does Astrid always feel guilty for leaving?

It's been over 20 years since the day she was "exiled" from Asgard. She missed her horse Asher. Her hair grew out, finally giving her the appearance of a female. During her travels she heard stories of the Prince of Thunder uniting the nine realms as well as hearing about his banishment from Asgard. Astrid never really knew the prince and she did not want to. She did not like Thor. She's only ever seen him from afar, when standing next to her mother in the throne room, whenever her father had to see Odin. She remembered Loki, being best friends. The two of them used to play tricks on one another.

It was unfortunate, however, when she found out he betrayed Asgard and was actually a Frost Giant himself. Astrid is glad that leaving Asgard, these problems did not affect her in anyway. If only she could get off of Sakaar.

By accident her ship lost control, causing her to end up on Sakaar. She's been trying to escape ever since. The Grandmaster's soldiers have been on her trail ever since she tried escaping the planet. For months she's been living on the run. There has to be a way out. There is always a way out. Her way out, finally, came crashing into a pile of scrap metal.

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