Fifty Five

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(Author's Note: I might be MIA for a while because things aren't so great regarding my mental health and I'm also going to be binge watching Stranger Things. Sorry in advance!)

(Richie's POV)

The days ahead creeped up on us without warning. Everything was going to change now. The summer was yet again coming to a close. It had been a full two years since Pennywise terrorized Derry. Everything had changed. I had changed. I was in a great relationship with the boy of my dreams, Eddie Kapsbrack. I had developed and was still on the way of recovering from an eating disorder. I got taller, older, the days went on and on. Everything transformed in the blink of an eye.

It didn't even feel like I had been with Eddie for a year, even longer than a year. It was August, late August. The new school year was starting. Except this one would be different than all the other ones.

This year, we were starting high school.

I had always been nervous about going to Derry High. I think all of us had doubts about it. Stan had a girlfriend, and was getting decently popular. I think he'd be alright. I was worried for the rest of us, especially Eds.

He wasn't treated well to begin with, but just thinking of how high school bullies could hurt him killed me. Henry Bowers' gang was still around there. They were only a year older. Just imagine the seniors.

I got chills even thinking about it.

"Richie?" I heard a voice say.

I was plunged back into reality. I was sitting on a couch with Eddie watching the latest Star Wars movie.

"Huh? Yeah?" I turned to him. He frowned.

"You've got your head in the clouds a lot lately," he noted.

I shrugged. "I'm just worried about school."

"How can you be worried about school if we haven't even started yet?" he joked.

He pulled the bowl of popcorn closer to his mouth and dug his hand in. The screen flashing lit up his face every few seconds. Sounds of lightsabers and intense music surrounded the room.

"It's just... high school. I don't know why it scares me."

He put the bowl down and leaned over against me. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder in a swift motion as he did so.

"Richie, you're the bravest person I know. You have nothing to be afraid of," he assured.

I smiled lightly as we nuzzled in together. I guess he was right. I would be there. We had each other, that's all that mattered. I could keep him safe. That's what I promised him, anyway. I was going to keep my promise, because that really meant something to Eddie.

"E-Eddie?" I asked.

He looked up at me with his sweet doe eyes and eyebrows raised. I lost all breath, my heartbeat went faster and faster, and my mouth hung open.

"I love you," I spat out. I had said it before, maybe a million times. Somehow, this felt different. More important.

He cracked a smile. "I love you too, weirdo."

I remembered why there was a heaviness to my pocket.

"I got you something," I said, reaching into my pocket and getting the small box out.

"You don't have to get me a gift every time you say you love me, Richie," he shook his head, smiling. He was facing the television.

I brought the box out in front of me and popped the lid open. I just sat there, facing him, until he turned my way.

He looked at it, then at me, then at it again. "Richie..." he said, getting speechless. I blushed.

"It's a promise ring," I said.

He looked up at me and squinted, in disbelief. I truly spoiled this boy rotten. He looked down at his hand.

"Which finger does it go on?"

I laughed. "Honestly, I don't know. I heard the middle finger? But that doesn't really make sense to me. Let's just see which one it fits?"

He nodded and held out his hand, fingers stretched apart. I took the dainty gold ring out of the box and first tried it on the middle finger, in the center of his hand. It was a little loose. He had small fingers. I knew nothing about finger sizes or ring sizes or whatever when I got it from the mall. I gulped. I hoped it would at least fit on his thumb.

I tried each finger, no luck, and then placed it on his thumb. It was a perfect fit. I giggled.

"Well, I guess it goes on the thumb."

He nodded and held his hand out in front of him and smiled at the ring as he stared. "I love it," he said.

He hugged me. "Good, baby."

We continued to hug, and with a few adjustments, it turned into a full-on cuddle sesh. This was a moment I would keep in my mind forever, as being the good before the bad. Everything was about to change. I needed to just savor this one purely good moment before it did.

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